Study Finds Professors Donate to Democrats Over Republicans by Ratio of 95:1
“just 5.7 percent are registered Republicans”

This is just another reminder of how radically imbalanced politics are in higher education.
Campus Reform reports:
STUDY: Profs donate to Dems over Republicans by 95:1 ratio
A recent study found that U.S. college professors donate exclusively to Democrats over Republicans by a 95:1 ratio.
Two researchers, Heterodox Academy Director of Research Sean Stevens and Brooklyn College Professor Mitchell Langbert conducted the study, published by the National Association of Scholars. They looked at the political donations of 12,372 college professors at universities in 31 states and the District of Columbia during the past two election cycles in 2015-16 and 2017-18.
Stevens and Langbert conducted their study by looking at political donation data available from the Federal Election Commission.
Of those professors, 2,301 made political donations, 2,081 of which were donated to Democrats. Just 22 of those 2,301 professors donated to Republicans. Nine professors donated to both Republicans and Democrats, according to the study.
The findings indicate that professors donated to Democrats more than Republicans by a 95:1 ratio. In addition to the number of professors who donated to Democrats versus Republicans, the study also revealed how many professors are registered to vote as Democrats compared with professors who are registered as Republicans. Nearly half of the 12,372 professors — 48.5 percent — are registered Democrats while just 5.7 percent are registered Republicans.

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“Study Finds Professors Donate to Democrats Over Republicans by Ratio of 95:1”
And this is why 99% of students graduate college as hard-core Leftists, all ready to destroy this country.