Student Government at Michigan State University Bans Cafeteria Trays

We have to ban all the things to save the planet.

The Morning Watch reports:

BANNED: MSU Student gov Bans Cafeteria TraysA new Michigan State University student government resolution hopes to implement trayless dining by Fall 2020.In an attempt to make dining at MSU more eco-friendly, trays in dining halls will not be an available option unless specifically requested once entering the cafeteria.The bill passed at the December 5, 2019 General Assembly meeting.According to the Associated Students of Michigan State University’s (ASMSU) Bill 56-30, doing away with trays will decrease food waste, energy waste, and water usage. The bill points that “MSU prides itself on sustainability,” but lacks this “key policy.”The bill further aims to help shape student diets, stating “reducing tray usage would improve the health of students by encouraging conscious portion sizes.”The resolution was introduced by College of Agriculture and Natural Resources representative Josh Grindling and seconded by Residential College of the Arts and Humanities representative Casey Christy.During the debate, Christy cited the advantage of removing trays for the Fall 2020 semester. She pointed, the transition would be aided because incoming freshman have not experienced MSU cafeteria trays.Junior Logan Coles disproved of the bill telling The Morning Watch, “Eating healthy is an important proponent to my life. When eating in the dining halls, trays are helpful in allowing me to meet my needs. It shouldn’t be banned.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Michigan