Rockets Hit U.S. Embassy, Including Dining Hall, in Baghdad
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Rockets Hit U.S. Embassy, Including Dining Hall, in Baghdad

Rockets Hit U.S. Embassy, Including Dining Hall, in Baghdad

“The security situation remains tense and Iranian-backed armed groups remain a threat. So, we remain vigilant.”

A U.S. official confirmed that three rockets struck the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

The strike injured one person. The injuries were minor and the person returned to duty.

From CNN:

The State Department did not directly blame Tehran for the rocket strikes in the Iraqi capital, but the spokesperson’s statement made reference to Iranian threats in the region and past attacks by Iranian-backed militias on US interests. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

“The security situation remains tense and Iranian-backed armed groups remain a threat. So, we remain vigilant,” the spokesperson said. Since September there have been more than 14 attacks by Iran and Iranian-supported militias on US personnel in Iraq, according to the State Department.

The spokesperson said the State Department would not comment further on the security situation in Baghdad.

Tension has swallowed Baghdad since the U.S. killed top Iranian commander and terrorist Qasam Soleimani in Iraq.

Then Iran attacked an Iraqi military base housing American military men. No one died in that attack, but doctors diagnosed over 30 of them with traumatic brain injuries.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Hoshyar Zebari blamed the militia.

Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi announced the government “condemned the attack and said Iraqi forces have been ordered to ‘deploy, search, and investigate to prevent the recurrence of such attacks, and to arrest those who launched these rockets so that they can be punished.'”

Anti-government protesters have been out in Baghdad since last week, demanding the U.S. leave the city. A popular Shi’ite cleric endorsed the movement but withdrew his support. That has not changed anything with as many as 250,000 people marching in the city.

[Featured image via YouTube]


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I’d suppose Trump etc have their eye on their future funding sources.

JusticeDelivered | January 27, 2020 at 9:36 am

There is no question that Iran is behind this. I would have no problem with giving Iran a few nukes, but we could start by destroying their power infrastructure with conventional weapons, starting with hydroelectric facilities and water reservoirs. Also, taking out Iran’s mosques, cutting off the head of the snake.

    Who do you want to make suffer? The Mullahs, or the oppressed people of Iran? War is hell and all that, but if we’re going to go to war with Iran we need a sound strategy which includes;

    1) Congressional authorization.
    2) Well defined strategy, against specific enemy.
    3) Compliance with Geneva and other treaty obligations related to war.

    Target the IRGC, target the Mullahs and their support systems… but be smart about how you do it. Unfortunately, to do this would require strategic vision, which is a concept Trump is ignorant of.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to coolway. | January 27, 2020 at 4:29 pm

      I want to break Iran’s back, to destroy their ability to cause trouble. I recognize that Iran’s people are suffering, I also think they are going to have to suffer much more to break the back of their current leadership. Frankly, I do not care, they are just pawns in this battle.

      In the end, I care about Americans and am willing to screw the Iranian people to save Americans.

      Destroying Iran’s power infrastructure, electric and fuel will greatly slow if not stop their nuclear aspirations. It will make it much easier to find and target their military and nuclear facilities.

      This should have happened 20 or more years ago.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to coolway. | January 27, 2020 at 6:04 pm

      1) Congressional authorization.
      2) Well defined strategy, against specific enemy.
      3) Compliance with Geneva and other treaty obligations related to war.

      Spoken like a true spineless, liberal.

      1. Fuck Congress as they don’t have the balls to authorize military action (war) against Iran. They’d rather piss and moan about Orange Man Bad than actually do anything that might seem as if they support Pres. Trump.

      2. Make the Iranian citizen’s life so uncomfortable and unbearable that they decide to change the regime of the mullahs and ayatollah and overthrow the repressive islamic regime. And if that means destroying their infrastructure (power, water, communications, transportation etc.) then so be it.

      3. You don’t get to chant, “Death to America” and then expect to fall back on the Geneva Convention and other “treaty obligations” when the going gets tough. They’ve made their position quite clear. And so should we.

      Too bad the democrats are too concerned with impeaching the Bad Orange Man than actually taking a principled stand for democracy and the human rights. But that’s what democrats do. Support the tyrant and dictator.

The article doesn’t say, but these were most likely low grade unguided weapons that can be carried in the back of a pick up truck. Here’s a stock photo of one such launcher captured by US Forces in the area a while back, to give the idea of what we’re dealing with. (and how easily things like this can be hidden in a city that size)

poor military weapon, because no aim, but great terrorist weapon.

    CorkyAgain in reply to Tom Servo. | January 27, 2020 at 1:31 pm

    poor military weapon, because no aim, but great terrorist weapon.

    That embassy is so big it’s hard to miss, even with poor aim.

poor military weapon, because no aim, but great terrorist weapon.

Exactly. Their goal is to force people to kneel.

American Human | January 27, 2020 at 1:02 pm

The Mullah’s with an assist by John F-ing Kerry The Traitor.

This is yet another test by Iran. If Trump looks the other way and doesn’t respond meaningfully then Iran will just keep ratcheting up the attacks.

It’s not rocket science, folks. I stood back and watched Iran (through their proxies) launch one attack after another on US interests and just shook my head as Trump didn’t respond, knowing full well what was coming.

Actually unguided rockets were a great air-to-air weapon. In 1945. And only when fired in abundance.

Of course it’s not freaking 1945.

But on the plus side the pieces of s*** we’re fighting have advanced beyond the 7th century.

American Human @ 27 January @ 1:02p.m.

“The Mullah’s with an assist by John F-ing Kerry The Traitor.”

I feel left out. John Kerry hasn’t condemned me for rampaging across South Asia like “Jinjis” Khan.

Got that? It’s not Ghengis. It’s gin-jiss.

What a tool.