Profs at UW Seattle Asked to Push Progressive Causes in School’s Diversity Guide

This should surprise no one. The emphasis on diversity in higher education is all about the promotion of progressive politics.Jason Rantz reports at KTTH Radio:

Rantz: Professors asked to push nutty progressive causes in UW Seattle diversity guideAcknowledge the University of Washington campus is on land stolen from Native Americans. Use gender-neutral, culturally diverse names in examples. Stop believing being overweight is unhealthy.These are actual recommendations from a UW diversity document I discovered while talking with a professor who says he’s been demoted and placed on probation because the school administration disagrees with his libertarian political views. What’s worse, the administration seems willing to placate a group of hypersensitive, progressive activist-students and faculty seeking to purge opposing political viewpoints from campus.Stuart Reges is a lecturer in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. After sustained pressure from campus progressives to get him fired, Reges was demoted to a one-year probationary appointment where he lost his primary duties…Reges says the UW created a working group of faculty members to review intro computer science courses to ensure they’re inclusive enough. The recommendations they drafted are remarkable.Some are standard for progressive educators who think all students are incapable of dealing with common stresses of college life. They asked that grading standards be relaxed, demanded less time spent investigating students who cheat, and offer teacher’s assistants training in in inclusion and implicit bias.But then it gets legitimate crazy. Writing for Quillette, Reges broke down one recommendation:

Review of all course materials for inclusiveness. For instance, of a lecture that involves calculating body mass index (BMI) using guidelines from the National Institutes of Health, the report noted that it ‘seems insensitive to present students with a program that would point out that some of them are ‘obese’ while others are ‘normal.’

Tags: College Insurrection, Progressives