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Poll Finds Almost Half of College Students Disapprove of the U.S. Killing Soleimani

Poll Finds Almost Half of College Students Disapprove of the U.S. Killing Soleimani

“More than one quarter, 26 percent, said they are not familiar with the development.”

This is not surprising. Democrats and the media have been pushing a non-stop narrative that this was not only wrong but dangerous.

The College Fix reports:

POLL: Almost half of college students disapprove of the U.S. killing Soleimani

A recent online survey of college students found that almost half — 49 percent — disapprove of the U.S. killing Qassem Soleimani.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Gen. Soleimani was killed Friday in an airstrike in Baghdad approved by the White House.

The question posed was: “Do you approve or disapprove of the U.S. killing top Iranian General Qassim Suleimani and five others in a pre-emptive airstrike?”

Of the 1,376 responses, 26 percent strongly disapproved and 23 percent somewhat disapproved, for a total of 49 percent. On the flip side, 10 percent strongly approved and 15 percent somewhat approved, for a total of 25 percent.

More than one quarter, 26 percent, said they are not familiar with the development.

The poll also found that Republican students are far more likely than Democratic students to approve of the airstrike, 64 percent versus 12 percent, respectively.


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How many of that 49 percent don’t know that the IRGC Quds Force exists to spread terrorism and instability throughout the region? How many probably couldn’t find Iran on a map? Most polls like this are meaningless twaddle if the people being surveyed have only the mainstream media’s version of events upon which to base their opinion.

Looking back to my college days, I freely admit that I didn’t know squat back then. I have to assume that nothing much has changed with today’s students.

Did the poll give them an opportunity to say why they disapproved?

Because I’d like to know if it’s because they’re grossly misinformed, because they actually side with the mullahs, or are they simply scared.
(Yes, yes, I embrace the power of ‘and’.)

Another bullshit poll. The way it’s worded, even I would “disapprove”. I don’t like dead bodies scattered around, even if they’re in small, easily-handled pieces. And I don’t generally approve of governments killing anybody.

BUT given that there’s a war on (even if nobody wants to admit it), if somebody has to be blown to bits, Soleimani is the guy.

    The question that nobody is asking: Why was the leader of the Iranian organization responsible for the furtherance of Islamic terrorism being allowed to freely roam in Iraq? Soleimani earned his place in Hell long ago…