Pete Buttigieg Campaign Reportedly Worried About Staff Microaggressions
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Pete Buttigieg Campaign Reportedly Worried About Staff Microaggressions

Pete Buttigieg Campaign Reportedly Worried About Staff Microaggressions

“national engagement coordinator Raven Hollins circulated a survey to employees in January after numerous staffers of color reported ‘feeling disrespected’ by colleagues”

We have repeatedly covered the topic of microaggressions as part of our ongoing examination of the culture of higher education. We did not however, expect the subject to come up in our coverage of the 2020 Democratic primary.

We probably shouldn’t be surprised. As I have often said over the last few years, if you want to know what Democrats are going to do tomorrow, just look at what progressive activists on campus are doing today.

Concepts like microaggressions and other aspects of left-wing campus culture are steadily bleeding over into other areas of everyday life such as media and politics.

The Pete Buttigieg campaign has apparently even taken action to detect the usage of microaggressions.

Julia Manchester reports at The Hill:

Buttigieg campaign surveyed staffers of color about microaggressions in the workplace

Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s campaign sent a questionnaire to staffers of color earlier this month inquiring about microaggressions in the workplace.

The questionnaire, which was first reported by the New York Times on Tuesday, was sent out by the campaign’s national engagement coordinator Raven Hollins on Jan. 1.

The survey’s first question asked the staffers whether they had experienced any of six microaggressions listed, which included being interrupted, as well as being “called the name of a different staff member of color,” according to the news outlet.

Audio obtained by the Times includes several staff members speaking at a “Building Belonging” meeting the following day about what they said was the difficulty in recruiting a diverse staff. The Hill has not heard the audio cited by the Times.

Whether they realize it or not, this revelation makes the Buttigiied campaign look like amateur hour. Concerns about microaggressions may be a legitimate concern if you’re running for president of the College Democrats at UC Berkeley, but not when you’re applying for the most powerful job in the world.

Alex Griswold of the Washington Free Beacon has more on this:

Facing Racial Tensions, Buttigieg Camp Surveyed Staff About Microaggressions

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s campaign sent a survey to minority staffers asking them to list any “microaggressions” they suffered on the job.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that Buttigieg national engagement coordinator Raven Hollins circulated a survey to employees in January after numerous staffers of color reported “feeling disrespected” by colleagues. Hollins asked that only minority staffers fill out the survey. “The answers are anonymous and will be used to inform our white colleagues about privilege and microaggressions,” Hollins wrote.

The list of microaggressions included “Been interrupted / talked over,” “Left off a relevant email chain,” “Someone else taking credit for your idea or insight (even accidentally),” and “Been called the name of a different staff member of color.”

The Times reports that the survey came because minority staffers frequently felt “disrespected” by white co-workers.

Here’s the bad news. As political candidates get younger, we can expect more of this.

May God save America from any future administration that’s more concerned about issues of privilege than a potential attack on our power grid.


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JusticeDelivered | January 29, 2020 at 5:12 pm

I have seen plenty of cases where low level grunts with ego think they should be treated as big cheezes. Failure to give then all the respect they feel entitled to amounts to racism in their feeble minds.

I have also seen outright unlikable people with attitude interpet people’s dislike of their obnoxious personality as racism, while holding their hands out for a big payday.

Lots of businesses pay them off and put up with them, I subscribed to a scorched earth policy firing their useless tails, and not paying them off, better to pay the attorneys than encourage them with $.

2smartforlibs | January 29, 2020 at 5:19 pm

When you care more about intersectionality than you do running a campaign neither is handled correctly.

Wow. Just wow! These “examples of disrespect” occur all day, every day, to people in the real workplace world – regardless of gender or color. And normal functioning adults simply ignore them. What a group of woosies! But, apparently that’s the caliber of people ex-mayor Pete attracts.

George_Kaplan | January 29, 2020 at 6:02 pm

Yet more racism out of the Democrats. Whites get interruptedtalked over, left off relevant email chains, see credit given to others, and be called the name of different staff members, yet the survey treats these things as a unique form of microaggression and privilege by Whites against non-Whites.

If microaggression and privilege is such a sin then why is it acceptable for non-Whites to do it to Whites? The only conclusion is that Democrats don’t think ordinary Whites deserve equality.

IneedAhaircut | January 29, 2020 at 6:16 pm

Excuse me, Mr. Putin. Mr. Putin, you interrupted me, I’m going to have to file a grievance with the UN Council on Micro Aggressions.

Microaggressions = Macroregression.

Soothing Buttigieg’s Maosist red guard staff is a near impossible task. He needs to appoint a campaign-culture commissar, liquidate the grasping overachievers, and then make darn certain the rest remain cowed.

Be the Chairman, Pete!

You mean he’s still a candidate? You were serious? I thought after hearing about microagressions, somebody would have fessed up that they were only kidding about that whole presidential candidate thing…

Would have loved the reaction if a questionnaire had been sent only to the white staffers, because THAT would have been raciss.

How any microaggressions does it take to cover a pinhead.. Ask one of the pinheads in The Butt’s campaign.

Because I have trouble remembering names, I call all females “Darlin’,” all white men “Buddy,” all black men “Buck” and all Hispanic men “Jose.” That’s not microaggressive, is it?

He’s startong to make obama and trudeau look masculine by comparison.

America is lost if this is the best we have to offer to run for President.
And who the heck is still giving him money? Soros and his beery band of antichrists?

So, this is our best and our brightest ?


Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!
God help us!

caseoftheblues | January 30, 2020 at 12:01 pm

It’s a real head scratcher….who would inflict more damage on the US if given power…the brown shirt Jack booted Bernie bro’s or the perpetually offended hot house Buttigieg blossoms.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 30, 2020 at 1:27 pm

Just Great!

Long dead Democrats coming back from their graves….

Obama Speechwriter Jon Favreau:
‘Sexism Absolutely Plays a Role’ in White Men Leading Dem Primary…