Members of ‘Womxn’s’ March at Stanford U. Demand End to Rape Culture

If there is truly a rape culture problem on Stanford’s campus, why would anyone pay to send their daughter there?The College Fix reports:

Stanford ‘Womxn’s’ March assembles, issues demands to end ‘rape culture’This past Saturday, “dozens” took to Stanford University’s White Plaza to protest “rape culture” on campus, as well as to bring attention to “global womxn’s issues.”If you’re wondering what the heck “womxn” means, according to the protesters’ petition, “by removing the a or e in the word ‘woman/women,’ the patriarchal relationship to men is removed from a word that describes one’s identity.”In addition,

the x allows space for individuals who identify as genderfluid, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, or non-binary and is part of an effort to correct the mistakes that trans-exclusionary feminists have made with the term “womyn” which is “a term often tied to the vein of feminism that does not view trans women as women because they were not born with female genitalia.”

Now that that’s settled, The Stanford Daily reports that prior to the march, event organizers Stanford Womxn in Law circulated the petition which demands that “action and policy measures” be put in place to help stop said rape culture.

“We are tired of watching the community disproportionately mistreat womxn*, non-binary, and trans students and faculty,” the petition reads. “We want action now from Stanford University administration to ensure that there are effective measures enacted to combat the systematic oppression and violence that are rampant on this campus. When Stanford takes action, the world listens.”

Tags: California, College Insurrection, rape culture