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Trump at March for Life: ‘Together We Must Protect, Cherish, and Defend the Dignity and Sanctity of Every Human Life’

Trump at March for Life: ‘Together We Must Protect, Cherish, and Defend the Dignity and Sanctity of Every Human Life’

“We are here for a very simple reason, to defend the right of every child born and unborn to fulfill their God-given potential… “

President Donald Trump became the first sitting president to attend the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C.


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One reporter covering the rally remarked that the only question people were asking her is where the best vantage point to see President Trump would be.

Abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion. Then Pro-Choice or wicked solution, never again.

In 2015, 36.0% of abortions were black babies and blacks only make up 13% of the population. That being the case, why aren’t modern “white supremacists” all for abortion? Well, I guess Margaret Sanger – founder of Planned Parenthood was a racist, wasn’t she? I wonder how many blacks are attending this march, since abortion is predominantly a black issue.

    Milhouse in reply to snopercod. | January 25, 2020 at 9:52 pm

    That being the case, why aren’t modern “white supremacists” all for abortion?

    How do you know they aren’t.

    Fun fact: The Third Reich banned abortion in Germany, but not in the occupied countries. They didn’t want Aryan babies aborted, but they were fine with the abortion of inferior babies.

Bless this man.

I heard a claim a year or two ago so I did the math. It’s true that since SCOTUS created a woman’s right out of thin air with Roe V Wade, more unborn children have been killed in the US than the entire populations of America’s 50 largest cities, combined. Pull up the numbers yourself. Do the math for yourself. It’s eye-opening….and quite jarring to the soul.

    LookoutABear in reply to clayusmcret. | January 24, 2020 at 1:35 pm

    And then they want to make up for the shortfall of workers with unlimited immigration, and the west finds itself in our current mess

      Emigration reform. He’s working with other nations to improve… focus on conditions at home in order to mitigate the progress and collateral damage of immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout. People can choose to immigrate, but they shouldn’t feel… be compelled to emigrate.

      Terence G. Gain in reply to LookoutABear. | January 25, 2020 at 7:55 am

      There is no shortage of workers. There is a surfeit of people who aren’t sober because of their consumption of drugs and alcohol. President Trump should be praised for his temperance. He is setting a good example.

I love this President more with every passing day.

    Also, confronting quid pro Joes as first-order forcings of corruption, and quid pro Bos as first-order forcings of immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises) and social (relativistic) justice zones. Then there is medical reform, even the Democrats have realized that affordable does not begin with shared/shifted responsibility, and available does not end with affordable. Cautiously optimistic.

Individual dignity. Intrinsic value. Inordinate worth. Reconcile. Right-Choice.

Marge Piercy has the pro choice response, written in the 70s.

It ought to engage that point of view

    Toad-O in reply to rhhardin. | January 24, 2020 at 3:50 pm

    That poem is the product of a diseased mind.

    mailman in reply to rhhardin. | January 25, 2020 at 2:47 am

    Its a fucking poem and fortunately, due to being an adult I guess, legislation is not passed based on poetry.

    Milhouse in reply to rhhardin. | January 25, 2020 at 10:00 pm

    The poem, like most such “arguments”, completely ignores the point of right-to-lifers: that once a baby exists, killing it is cold-blooded murder. Piercy can complain that she’s not a pear tree, and indeed she isn’t and shouldn’t be, but that doesn’t give her the right to take up a gun and start shooting people. And it makes no difference whether a baby is loved or loathed, wanted or unwanted, provided with its needs or deprived of them, nobody has the right to strangle it or blow its brains out just because they think it would be better off dead.

Terence G. Gain | January 25, 2020 at 7:48 am

Kudos to President Trump. I did not become a conservative until my early 30s when I realized that if you could rationalize terminating the Life of the most innocent and vulnerable of all human beings, you could rationalize anything. Today, on my 73rd birthday I have seen this come to pass as Democrats impeach a highly productive and successful President for doing his duty and requesting that the influence peddling and obvious corruption of Joe Biden be investigated.

Democrats support abortion up to the moment of birth. There isn’t really any need to know more about them.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 25, 2020 at 2:26 pm

Trump Administration Threatens California Over Mandate That Insurers Cover Abortion