Gallup Poll Shows 51% Against Removing Trump While 44% Approve of Him
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Gallup Poll Shows 51% Against Removing Trump While 44% Approve of Him

Gallup Poll Shows 51% Against Removing Trump While 44% Approve of Him

A Gallup poll released on Monday shows President Donald Trump has a 44% approval rating as the impeachment trial begins today.

The organization also discovered that 51% of the public is against convicting Trump and removing him from office.

Trump’s approval rating in Gallup polls has remained pretty steady for the last three polls.

Whispers of impeachment began in August 2019. The inquiry began in October with the House voting on the articles in December. During that time his numbers fluctuated between 39% to 43%.

But since the vote, Trump has hit 43%, 45%, and now 44%. Trump has averaged 40% during his first term.

Gallup also asked people if they wanted the Senate to convict and remove Trump from office.

Overall, 51% of the public is against impeachment. It falls along party lines, but Trump received a boost from Democrats and Independents.

Gallup compared this information to President Bill Clinton’s 1999 impeachment trial:

In several polls conducted in January and early February 1999, an average of 33% of Americans were in favor of the Senate convicting Clinton and removing him from office, while 63% were opposed.

The president’s own party is about as opposed to impeachment for Trump as the Democratic Party was for Clinton; but the opposition party and political independents are more strongly aligned against Trump than they were against Clinton.


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I’m surprised the removal number isnt higher with the 98% lie rating of the propaganda machine. Tell me 51% of the American voters need to pass an IQ test before the vote again.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to 2smartforlibs. | January 21, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    1st Rule of Media Polls: THEY’RE ALL LIES!

    Nah it doesn’t need an IQ test. I participated in a Gallup poll recently. The broad way the questions were worded along with the either/or choices given made it possible for ‘any’ viewpoint to be distorted to minimize and dismiss views favorable to the President.

The poll numbers seem widely out of sync with the enthusiam displayed at the public events Trump has been at. For example the LSU Clemson game had a rousing ovation.

Most of the polls have show trump in the low 40’s approval and the disapproval in the low to mid 50’s.

The poll numbers can be influenced by the manner of the questions along with RV vs LV, along with the relentless attacks from the media.

Again, the poll numbers seem to be out of sync with the enthusiasim displayed at public events

    healthguyfsu in reply to Joe-dallas. | January 21, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    The LSU-Clemson game is going to have a lot of Southerners and conservatives. It’s football in the South, man!

    I just wish we were a separate country.

Those are pretty amazing numbers given the 24/7/9827 negative propaganda from the fake news media.

The deep state wants Trump gone regardless of the polls. The deep state has contempt for the voters. The approval level of Trump is annoying to them but they will march on.

JusticeDelivered | January 21, 2020 at 12:04 pm

I think that a minimum IQ at the law side of average, say 90, would be a reasonable standard for voting. Maybe 90 IQ + high school diploma. I don’t think a democracy functions very well when there are too many easily deceived dullards voting.

JusticeDelivered | January 21, 2020 at 12:05 pm

low, not law

“…approve of hims…”

LOL! 😎

“Adults”. Not even registered voters. Gee, I wonder why they used that sample?

I read a fascinating comment that said the left really isn’t interested in winning the 2020 election, but the impeachment stuff is being used not to get rid of Trump (though that’s how it’s being sold to the faithful) but to hamper Trump and to reduce his effective power over the bureaucracy.

The comment went on to say that all this kabuki theater and the far left ideas being floated is to move the Overton Window: to move the acceptable range of conversational topics as far leftward as they can. The person said:

“Today we may think “single payer is socialism.”

But four years from now? “Huh, we’ve heard about single payer for so long; why don’t we just give it a go and see what happens?””

I don’t think they are wrong….

You know this is a b.s. poll, and PDJT’s popularity is much higher.

That poll means that 51% of the anti-Trump people polled want him impeached.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 22, 2020 at 4:28 pm

Black Pastor …. Admits Trump Is More ‘Pro-Black” Than Obama Dooming Dems In 2020
by Paul Goldberg January 20, 2020

Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration has resulted in more and better jobs for low-income Americans – just look at what happened to the Chicken plant in Mississippi after an immigration raid.

Many African Americans jumped at the chance for the new higher-paying jobs. Look, Trump’s plan is working.