Desperate Deval Patrick Announces Support for Slavery Reparations
“The American Dream remains further out of reach of Black Americans than other Americans, and because of that, America has not fulfilled her promise”
Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is currently polling at 0.3 percent in the Real Clear Politics average of polls, and desperate times call for desperate measures.
Patrick announced a new initiative on Monday which includes a plan to provide slavery reparations.
Rebecca Klar reports at The Hill:
Patrick backs reparations in unveiling ‘Equity Agenda for Black Americans’
Democratic presidential candidate Deval Patrick on Monday announced support for developing a reparations program as part of his “Equity Agenda for Black Americans.”
The agenda released on Martin Luther King Jr. Day also draws on Patrick’s previously released proposals with aims to limit the barriers to wealth and opportunities for black Americans.
“The American Dream remains further out of reach of Black Americans than other Americans, and because of that, America has not fulfilled her promise,” the former Massachusetts governor said in a statement. “In addition to having personally lived the American Dream as an African-American man, what distinguishes me is my demonstrated ability to convert policy proposals into results. That is what I did in Massachusetts as Governor, and that is what I will do as President.”
Patrick said he supports a plan in which the federal government would provide reparations to living descendants of enslaved African Americans, but added that “reparations without reconciliation are incomplete.”
Given Patrick’s late entry in the race and his miserable polling, this gesture comes across as a cynical ploy for attention from the left. It’s also worth noting that this is the first time in weeks that the media has given him any notice.
Brad Polumbo of the Washington Examiner offers a frank estimation of Patrick’s plan:
Deval Patrick’s sad embrace of slavery reparations reeks of political desperation
On Monday, the public celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a holiday commemorating the late civil rights icon whose legacy is revered by both Left and Right.
Newspapers invoked King’s memory in commentary and editorials, while politicians tended to use it to discuss issues of race relations. 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, for instance, is using the holiday to try and make a splash by coming out in full support of race-based reparations, meaning financial compensation for the black descendants of slaves.
It’s perhaps understandable that Patrick, having no clear constituency and drawing almost no support in primary polling, is looking to call attention to his campaign on Martin Luther King Jr. Day — seeing as he is the only black candidate left in the race. Yet it’s disappointing nonetheless to see Patrick endorse such a foolish and divisive policy as slavery reparations, and his shift is emblematic of the Democratic Party’s toxic turn toward identity politics and economic illiteracy.
Patrick’s campaign is running on fumes. One has to wonder if he would even be on anyone’s list for a possible running mate.
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So, this multi-millionaire from Bain Capitol is trying to make the case that unemployed miners in West Virginia who’ve lost their careers need to be paying him whatever nickels and dimes they can scrape together.
“In addition to having personally lived the American Dream as an African-American man, what distinguishes me is my demonstrated ability to convert policy proposals into results. That is what I did in Massachusetts as Governor, and that is what I will do as President.”
AA = where the unqualified, the ungrateful, the undeserving are given unmerited/unearned privilege. Patrick and Obama are examples.
Julian Castro is another one. He went to Stanford with 1210 SATs.
Try that as an Asian or Caucasian and see how far you get.
At least he does admit it.
Since English is his second language, he probably got 410 Verbal. So that means 800 Math, right?
My former governor continues to give “empty suits” a bad name. So in essence, Deval wants reparations…for himself. How clever!
Patrick, Baker, Romney – mAssholes certainly can pick losers.
Don’t forget Dukakis in the rank of MA govs.
Then we have out Senators… Warren, Markey (quite possibly the dumbest human to ever sit in the Senate), Kerry and Kennedy.
A couple of our famous reps… Frank and Studds.
No one likes a sniveler.
I didn’t even know he was running for president.
He’s not, he is really running for profiteering.
would this mean that Colin Kaepernick’s white half would have to pay reparations to his black half??
this reparations thing is soooo confusing!
That would be a gray area for him.
The genius of that!
Pedantic pandering Patrick, a standard of mediocrity from affirmative action.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump’s speech at Davos this morning made a yuuuge point of touting the high employment rate of blacks.
Some people always see the negative (aka Dems).
Trump only and always sees the positive – in his personal life and in his presidency. Awesome.
The American Dream favors good character.
Sooooo, Devil, you are blaming the rest of us for the failure of people of a certain skin tone to attain the American Dream.
JayZ, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, professional sports’ players, et al……
No American dreams realized there. Nope, not a one.
Stop being so racist and bigoted, you crapweasel.
Coupe deVal should realize Native Americans are first in line for any reparations [and I’m not talking Lieawatha]. His 70+ acre spread in the Berkshires [if he still has it] sits on prime Native American land. Cough it over, Coupe.
Deval Patrick’s American life:
“ Patrick earned a scholarship to Milton Academy in Milton, Massachusetts in the eighth grade. He went on to attend Harvard College and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau. After graduating, he practiced law with the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and later joined a Boston law firm, where he was named a partner at age 34. In 1994, Bill Clinton appointed him as the United States assistant attorney general for the civil rights division of the United States Department of Justice…”
What Deval Patrick says:
“ The American Dream remains further out of reach of Black Americans than other Americans”
Deval – Do something about the 73% black illegitimacy rate and the inequity problem will be solved.
I thought this Obama pal was the black bullet that would say the DNC from its pending demise. It seems he just the latest PANDER BEAR on the bus. DUMBVAL what was Affirmative Action?
Obama had a sort of magic about him, some sort of tremor in his voice, right up until he got elected. Then he lost it and has been an ordinary overprivileged guy, way in over his head, for his whole presidency and ever since.
I could support reparations if those who accept them renounce their citizenship and are barred from entering the USA.
“Equity Agenda for Black Americans.”
Nothing says “equity” like a perpetual demand for free shit.
I have no use for racists in general but at least I understand them.
But black racists who are devoted to policies obviously intended to keep other blacks trapped as a useless and substandard class I don’t even understand.
Patrick is still running? Who knew? No wonder he’s throwing hail mary’s.
If this was a Republican …
Desperate Deval Patrick Announces Support for Slavery Reparations
… for each of the Americans who sacrificed blood and treasure to confront diversity, political congruence, and redistributive change. That said, reparations for Fetal-Americans… the babies. No more 1/2 Americans.
This issue won’t gain him the nomination, but don’t be surprised if whoever is the nominee uses it to hustle black votes in the general election.
By the way, what exactly is it that America “promised” and supposedly has not been delivered?
Only reparations I’m willing to help pay for is for the ‘One Way’ Boat Ticket back to Africa and loss of U.S. Citizenship!
Of course he does!
Another Demoncrat (a.k.a., socialist, fascist, communist, pervert, baby murderer) using the over trod rote of stealing tax payer dollars to pay for their made up inequalities that can only be fixed by (you guessed it) stealing more tax payer money.
Seems like Deval did well with Affirmative Action instead of reparations.