Liberty University Opens New Think Tank to Combat Liberal Distortions of Christianity

According to the people involved, there is a push on the left to associate Christianity with socialism.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Liberty University opens Falkirk Center to fight attacks on Jesus, ConstitutionGrowing concerns in conservative circles that liberals are trying to convert young Christians into socialists by distorting the Bible and U.S. Constitution have prompted Virginia’s Liberty University to form a new center to push back on the media, academics, and Democratic politicians.The new think tank, announced Saturday in Lynchburg and previewed to Secrets, was co-founded by two key leaders in the Christian youth movement, Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr. and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.The Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty, a combination of their names, will “play offense” against efforts by liberals to water down Judeo-Christian values in the Bible and Constitution in their bid to build support for big government, said Kirk.“The fastest-growing religion in America is atheism and secularism and with that is the rise of leftism and statism and, as people veer away from the church and veer away from the Judeo Christian values that built our country, people are more likely to embrace statism,” he said in an interview.He said that the center hopes to answer a question he gets often, “was Jesus Christ a socialist?”

Tags: College Insurrection, Religion, Socialism