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Harvard Students Occupy Building Demanding Creation of ‘Ethnic Studies’ Department

Harvard Students Occupy Building Demanding Creation of ‘Ethnic Studies’ Department

“I am tired of Harvard using my story without giving me ethnic studies so I can fully understand what my story even means.”

Students at Harvard have every advantage in the world. They have access to pretty much anything they want to study and faculty members to go with it. This protest is ridiculous.

The College Fix reports:

In ongoing Ethnic Studies controversy, Harvard students occupy building for second time in two weeks

Students at Harvard University staged a protest this week demanding the creation of a new ethnic studies department, the second time in as many weeks that campus activists have “occupied” a building to spread their message.

Last week Harvard protesters occupied University Hall for roughly an hour to protest the university’s having denied tenure to Lorgia García Peña, a language professor at the university. Protesters also “called on Harvard to establish an Ethnic Studies department offering Ph.D.s in Ethnic Studies and concentrations and secondary fields in Native American and Indigenous Studies, Latinx Studies, Asian American Studies, Muslim American Studies, and Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies.”

This week, The Harvard Crimson reports, protesters once again occupied a campus building, this time the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. Students reportedly protested with slogans such as “After you admit us don’t forget us” and “Want diversity? Teach our histories!”

The Crimson said one student “criticized Harvard for simultaneously ‘tokenizing’ students of color while denying them access to diverse curricula and faculty mentors.” That student declared at the event: “I am tired of Harvard using my story without giving me ethnic studies so I can fully understand what my story even means.”


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“…..tenure to Lorgia García Peña, a language professor at the university. Protesters also “called on Harvard to establish an Ethnic Studies department offering Ph.D.s in Ethnic Studies and concentrations and secondary fields in Native American and Indigenous Studies, Latinx Studies, Asian American Studies, Muslim American Studies, and Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies.”

Apparently, the above listed ethnicities are the sole ethnicities in the entire world? Muslim isn’t an ethnicity, it is a three-pronged ideology, comparative race is race, Asian America is hardly ethnic, but nationality. What about every ethnicity they are ignoring? No inclusiveness or diversity?

How were these ignoramuses even accepted to Harvard?

The Friendly Grizzly | December 15, 2019 at 12:24 pm

What majors are the protesters taking?

And, I thought Harvard was a “serious” college?

The prime self-set objective of such a ‘department’ would be to rule the Harvard roost, becoming autocrat of language & values for all students & staff. En-route to the rest of the US & the larger world.

I realize that Harvard is a big name among universities, but after all of this, I don’t know how anyone can continue to take them seriously. Any trade school prepares students better for life than Harvard.

Perhaps the students should have done their homework and chosen a school with such a “dept” if it was so important to them.
Better yet, if it’s their “story” they’re all about, go to school in that ethnic heritage country!

I am tired of Harvard using my story without giving me ethnic studies so I can fully understand what my story even means.

The narcissism is strong with this one. Why do they require a third party to tell them about themselves?

When you not only admit scum but even pay their way, that’s what get.