California group wants to crowdfund $3 billion, 300-acre private city for homeless
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California group wants to crowdfund $3 billion, 300-acre private city for homeless

California group wants to crowdfund $3 billion, 300-acre private city for homeless

Still a better plan than blaming homelessness on Trump, like Gov. Newsom does!

A California group has initiated a crowdfunding effort to solve the U.S. homeless crisis by building a 300-acre city open exclusively to those without a home.

Daune Nason, founder of the Folsom-based Citizens Again, released details Thursday of his plans for an estimated $3 billion private city equipped with amenities and services for a 150,000 “high-needs” population.

…According to a press release, the all-inclusive city will offer high-density housing in dormitories consisting of sleeping quarters and communal bathrooms with private showers.

Residents would be provided RFID-enabled wristbands to gain access to their dorm rooms as well as perform tasks such as job check-in, purchasing items with credits, medicine consumption, and more.

Each of the four neighborhoods will have their own cafeteria and kitchen and multiple scheduled eating times to accommodate a 150,000-person population, according to Nason.

According to the Citizen Again website, homeless personnel would be evaluated to determine if they were qualified at processing centers.

Eligibility will be determined there, along with citizen processing and initial healthcare checkups and hygiene services. They will then travel via trains, planes, buses, etc., to the City.

Upon arriving, they will go through an onboarding process with additional healthcare checkups and services, orientation programs, and more.

It’s vital to ensure integration success. So after onboarding tasks are completed, citizens will be introduced into the City with guided tours and will be assigned a fellow citizen Buddy to guide them around and answer questions. Every citizen will have a designated staff counselor and will have daily check-ins during the integration period to help with the integration process.

According to the crowdfunding page, the keys to success of the City will be connecting homeless to personal improvement resources and economies of scale:

For those that wish to better themselves, or prepare to reenter society, the City will provide:
• Counseling and therapy
• Life skills training
• Educational services
• Job training
• Reentry support services
• And more

Extensive calculations using analogous and parametric estimates were used to identify preliminary estimates for the cost to build, run, and staff the city.

These calculations clearly indicate the City will cost billions less than what is already being spent today.

All of this is ONLY possible by using a single location for a large population to reach economies of scale.

Economies of scale will allow significant cost savings resulting from:
• Volume discounts (food, clothes, building materials, etc.)
• Buying affordable land (1 lot vs. 4,000 lots across America)
• Dedicated medical team (vs. costs from ambulances, ERs, and private hospitals)
• Consolidated staff (1 central team vs. spread across America)
• Utilize technology to increase efficiency (security, access, etc.)
• And so much more

Economies of scale will allow a 93% REDUCTION of what is spent per person today ($3k per year vs. $80k).

Theoretically, qualified citizens are free to leave at any time. However, once they leave, there will be a waiting period for reentry to discourage frequent departures.

The chief problem with this plan is that the qualified citizens don’t tend to follow rules that are the hallmark of civilized living. Furthermore, a significant segment of the homeless population has mental health issues, who also neglect to follow medical recommendations or voluntarily remain in controlled living situations.

Should this plan move forward, which is doubtful at this price-tag, the “CitY” would be a draw for homeless across the country to descend on California. That would be great for those of you who live elsewhere, but Californians might be inspired to continue their exodus from this state.

The City will require approximately 500 acres to achieve the vision Citizens Again has laid out. Where, exactly, would the City be built? If the surrounding area were to be kept safe from those who voluntarily exit the City, the security would have to be addressed, as well as the public health issues.

The fact that the project has crowdfunded only $670 of its $50,000 goal indicates there is a fair amount of skepticism about its likely success.

However, to be fair to Citizens Again, its plan is still better than those being offered by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is now blaming the state’s homelessness crisis on President Trump.

California Governor Gavin Newsom says that California’s failure to curb rising homelessness in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco is the fault of President Donald Trump and the Trump Administration, not a stalemate in the California legislature or failed progressive efforts to curb the rise of tent cities and transient populations.

Speaking in Sacramento, California, last week, Newsom claimed that Trump is deliberately withholding “key information” that California needs in order to properly address the homelessness problem, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.


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Paul In Sweden | December 22, 2019 at 4:16 pm

If funding ever gets off the ground, and they manage to build it; how long before the whole complex becomes reminiscent of Hamsterdam?

The Wire: Hamsterdam

–The Wire: Hamsterdam – YouTube
-RETRIEVED-Sun Dec 22 2019 22:14:17 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)

Self-flushing hallways and graffiti wipers included.

Reminiscent of Cabrini-Greens.

There are so many potential unintended consequences to this plan. The leftists in CA government can’t even manage services in the state for normal people. They would need to exclude non-citizens (which they won’t), banish those who commit petty and serious crimes (which they won’t), and provide separated secure facilities for drug addicts, the mentally ill, and those who are just facing hard times (but they won’t). In other words, it won’t work because leftists are in charge. Just look at their cities now.

    maxmillion in reply to Angel. | December 23, 2019 at 12:51 am

    To be fair, if they excluded all those you specify, there’d be no one left to serve.

    Concise in reply to Angel. | December 23, 2019 at 11:32 am

    Interesting idea. Kind of like “westworld” but here we could have “drug addicts world”, “mentally ill world”, and “those who are just facing hard times world” (which I may book into at some point).

The Wire

For sure

I am sorry but human nature of the druggies and mentally ill will prevent this from working

Can’t work. I see no shopping carts.

High density housing with shared sleeping quarters, communal toilets>?

That sounds remarkably like a concentration camp to me.

    And you can guarantee that, if built, will be in the middle of nowhere, far from prying eyes and won’t violate the tender sensibilities of the self-appointed elites. Hmmm… Kinda like a Siberia, only in Death Valley…

I’ll give it 5 years and then ,oct of the windows will be bracken, trash and garbage will fill the streets, and anything of value will be stripped. See Newark, Philby, New Orleans.
These affordable housing boondoggle ultimately turn into the projects.

On second thought this sounds like a communist reeducation camp.

Obviously, the best way to solve the homeless crisis is for the People’s Democratic Republic of California to impeach the homeless.

Step 1: create a “homeless” crisis through obviously harmful government polices.
Step 2: propose a “solution” that cannot work, but that will funnel tax money to cronies.
Step 3: when the “solution” fails, propose still another solution, involving more taxes and infringements on the liberty of honest citizens.
And so on forever.

Which Dem cronies will get the contracts to supply drugs, street cleaning/sanitary services, food service, etc.

How long before their little concentration camp starts to resemble downtown SF?

Ain’t there already ‘projects’?

    MajorWood in reply to Iain Sanders. | December 22, 2019 at 5:31 pm

    In Balmer they built low rises, knocked them down, built high-rises, imploded them, built low-rises. In about 5 years there will be a call for high-rises to solve the problem.

Arbeit Macht Frei

Every time our Wise Ruling Class creates another problem, it is an opportunity for them to raise our taxes in order to solve that urgent crisis.
These people do not want to solve problems; they want to create problems. They want us to be perpetually endangered by an endless series of crises, and to therefore surrender our freedom and our wealth to them and their growing army of parasite friends.

Build it, and they will bum.

A (progressive) witches’ brew: 1 part Cabrini-Green, 1 part cold war East Germany, and 1 part One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

OK. Now is the time for all the one synapse Demoncrat voters to pony up their dough and show the “world” again that socialism DOES NOT WORK!

A commune.

What’s that definition of crazy again

They aren’t planning on paying for any of it.

Take 150,000 off the streets and put them here, and within a year, another 150,000 will take their place on the streets

And in that year, they’ll find their new concentration camp is unworkable and close it, so they will then have 300,000 on the street

and it will still be “Trumps fault”

This project has been tried in many large cities. These apartments are called “the projects,” and they soon became centers of crime and destruction. You would think the people proposing this nonsense would learn how the previous projects in New York, Chicago, etc. have turned out.

The fact that the apartments would be destroyed and would attract criminal activities is mitigated by the other reality: Street people would flock to California by the thousands, getting them out of the states where we live. Think of Haight-Ashbury in the 1960’s. So the project would have real benefits for those of us who don’t live in California.

    JimWoo in reply to OldProf2. | December 22, 2019 at 8:20 pm

    Build it and they will come. By the thousands. Other states will pay their homeless to move there. And like Cabrini Green housing projects in Chicago which were originally supposed to be temporary housing for folks down on their luck, they will never leave. Why would they? Free stuff with in and out privileges. Sure beats living under a bridge panhandling.

I’d love to support it on the grounds that it’d be voluntary so why not, but everyone knows the funding wouldn’t be voluntary for long.

I’m sure it will smell great.

That will become Crazytown, USA, like one big scene from an insane asylum – with the exception of the true bums and the drug addicts, who will take over the freebies, steal everything in sight and bury the place in needles.

If Mayor Butthead doesn’t become our second gay president, he can become mayor of this place, and fail there, too.

The Friendly Grizzly | December 22, 2019 at 9:06 pm

If it’s ever even built, it will be a garbage-strewn, crime-ridden pit within months. The taxpayers will be shaken down to take it over.

Proposition 36.
Proposition 47.
Proposition 57.
AB 109.
AB 1810.

The people of California and their elected officials have been weakening the criminal justice system while enabling drug use. Homelessness is a result of the policies and laws they’ve put into place in the mistaken belief that spending money for punishment/incarceration was wasteful and cruel.

I believe the private city is going to be much more expensive to run than a prison facility of the same size, much more dangerous, and certainly dirtier.

This is nothing more than a major boondoggle. It will never work, unless they turn it into a prison and incarcerate the homeless.

I spent three decades in law enforcement in a major metropolitan area. There was a significant homeless problem there. Millions of dollars in both public and private money was spent every year to provide aid to the homeless. And it was all a failure. The problem is that the vast majority of the homeless are not the victims of economic depression. They are victims of drug addiction and/or mental health issues. We dealt with a chronic homeless population which was not allowed to patronize the various shelters and service venues because they were chronically under the influence of drugs, including alcohol or were deemed dangerous to other residents of the programs or overly disruptive. And, the courts would not allow these people to be institutionalized. So, they were barred from the housing facilities and programs and continued to live on the street. The thing is, the vast majority of these people do not want to live in a structured setting which cuts them off from their chemical dependencies. So, no matter how much money is spent on the homeless, it will all be a waste.

What we found worked, to control the local homeless population was to strictly enforce the law, especially with regard to trespass and loitering. This thinned out the homeless population to a manageable level. Nothing, short of incarceration or institutionalization, will ever completely eliminate the homeless population.

Just buy a couple of thousand acres in the middle of nowhere, put a barbed wire fence around it and build 10,000 shacks for the homeless.

Cities can enforce their vagrancy law because the homeless can move to this Homeless Camp. They will have rent take from their benefits.

    MajorWood in reply to ConradCA. | December 23, 2019 at 1:32 am

    Sounds a lot like the POW camp in Texas that my dad administered during WW-II, except they had no barb wire. The prisoners were told that if they tried to escape they would die of exposure before reaching civilization.

    I’ve heard that property around the Salton Sea is quite affordable… They’d even have a view of the water!

It will have the highest crime rate in the state, and will be burning in 90 days.

Amazing that someone can think of creating this known cancerous shithole somewhere in the state of Kalifornicate.

Is anyone else getting serious Arkham City vibes from this? This is so fanciful and dystopian that whoever came up with it should have their mental health evaluated.

Once again, rather than treating the disease, Commiefornia chooses only to treat the symptoms. When you embrace the behavior, the behavior has a way of embracing you. Usually in the backside…

It looks like they even planned a stadium for the Chargers to play in! How appropriate since they’re homeless as well.

The problem is that it’s not surrounded by a moat and barbed wire fences. Should be like the roach motel. You can check in but never check out.

This story led to an amazing number of astute and humorous replies. Commendable.
Perhaps they just need to build a “Roach Motel”, they can all check in but they never check out!

Oops , sorry ConradCA , I missed your beating me to the punch.?
Great minds think alike.

Finally I think I got it. This new paradise for the homeless is what the Eagles were singing about in “Hotel California “, “ you can check out, but you can never leave “!
We can only hope.