Activists at UC Berkeley Blast High Number of Bubble Tea Shops Near Campus

There is no pleasing the far left. There will always be a problem.The College Fix reports:

UC-Berkeley activists blast the scourge of … bubble tea shopsThe University of California-Berkeley has been paralyzed by visits from anti-feminist provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson and black bloc anarchists.What’s panicking its activist community now? Sweetened tea with tapioca balls.Yes, The Daily Californian published a feature on the “slew of controversy from students and community members” about the exploding popularity of bubble tea shops near campus.Their beefs boil down to sugary drinks worsening the “food insecurity” of students, who have to walk an unjust 20 minutes (really) to Trader Joe’s, the nearest “full-scale” grocery store to campus (Safeway is 1.6 miles).They can also buy fresh produce at the Berkeley Student Food Collective, a paltry three-minute walk from Sproul Plaza, “the bustling hub” of campus, as even the Daily notes.Unsurprisingly, activists are upset that capitalism works:

There are at least 16 bubble tea shops within a one-block radius of the UC Berkeley campus, the vast majority of which are located in Southside. Expand the search to a two-block radius, and students have more than 22 bubble tea shops to choose from, including Feng Cha Teahouse, YiFang Taiwan Fruit Tea and, most recently, Taiwan Professional Tea. …Yet many bubble tea shops that have opened in recent years have maintained steady business, even in light of Berkeley’s sugar-sweetened beverage tax. Implemented in 2015, the tax levies a 1 cent tax on distributors per each fluid ounce of sugar-sweetened beverage sold.

Tags: California, College Insurrection