A Personal Thanks

What a year.

The politics have been b**s*** crazy. It’s been hard to focus on longer term projects and investigations when you don’t know from one minute to the next, much less one day to the next, what the next fire alarm will be about.

In this atmosphere, I’m even more glad than ever that last March we launched the Legal Insurrection Foundation, which has allowed us to proceed on a dual track — short term news and politics coverage, and longer-term research and investigations.

I won’t kid you, it hasn’t been easy. In many ways, I underestimated the time and expense of launching a tax-exempt research foundation. But I’m glad we did, nonetheless. I think it positions us better for the coming years.

I want to express my thanks to the many authors and editors who have fought with us through these challenges. We run such a lean operation, it’s mindboggling when I read about how bloat is leading to layoffs at major media operations.

Thanks also to the readers who have stuck by us. Our traffic has been strong all year, but particularly since the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College trial, when we seemed to pick up many long-term readers. It’s similar to what we experienced after the George Zimmerman trial, where people came for the trial coverage and analysis, and stayed for the rest of the Legal Insurrection experience. (Added 5 p.m. — I just checked, and while I knew our numbers were strong, I didn’t realize we were up 25% in number of pageviews comparing 2019 to 2018, now totaling 21 million pageviews.)

I enjoyed meeting readers in Houston, Austin, and Sharon (MA), and we are planning events in February/March in Los Angeles and south Florida (details to be released soon, when dates/times/locations are confirmed). Building community independent of social media is part of the strategy moving forward.

Thanks also to the donors, without whom we couldn’t get this done. Every donation, from the smallest to the largest, is appreciated not just for the money, but for the vote of confidence in our future.

We’re now in the 12th year of the legal insurrection. Thanks to all who’ve been along for the ride.

Tags: Blogging