University Cutting Humanities Program While Employing Over a Dozen VPs in Administration

Bloated administrations are one of the factors driving the crazy cost of college tuition. This needs to change.

The College Fix reports:

University cuts humanities program even as it employs over a dozen people ‘with the title of VP or higher’The University of Tulsa’s trustees recently proposed slashing the school’s humanities department by more than half, but the university’s administrative staff remains notably large, with the school currently looking to hire yet another of more than a dozen “vice” positions already on campus.In September, the University of Tulsa’s faculty senate passed a measure to move toward a vote of no confidence in President Gerard Clancy as his administration oversaw a massive reduction of the school’s humanities programs. As The College Fix reported at the time, the school’s Board of Trustees sought to “eliminate programs in philosophy, religion, fine arts (dance, musical theater, theater, film scoring, musical performance), languages (Greek, Latin, Chinese, German, French, and Russian), and condense departments into fewer major offerings.”28 of the school’s humanities degree programs were proposed to be condensed into 13. Social sciences would drop from 21 to 13. One faculty member told The Fix that the reorganization was “pushed through without faculty consultation, in violation of the university’s own contractually-binding policies regarding faculty governance and oversight of academic affairs.”Reduced educational offerings notwithstanding, the school still enjoys a remarkably bloated administrative staff, to the point that the university is hiring yet another vice president in addition to more than a dozen VPs already.

Tags: College Insurrection, Oklahoma