UK Election: Polls Show Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party Heading for 80-Seat Majority

The latest polls show British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has increased his lead over Labour Party rival Jeremy Corbyn.

“Boris Johnson’s Tories have established their biggest lead over Labour for two years,” the British newspaper The Telegraph reported. With less than three weeks to go until the December 12 election, the Conservative party is “on course for 80 seat majority” in the 650-seat Lower House, the newspaper predicted citing a “monthly poll of polls.”

The left-wing newspaper The Guardian gave Conservatives a 19-point lead over the rival Labour, projecting around 47 percent of the total vote. Corbyn’s party trails at 28 percent, with the pro-EU Liberal Democrats slipping to 12 percent, the poll predicted over the weekend.

The upcoming election is not between the ruling Conservative and the opposition Labour party. The voters were divided between those who want to leave the European Union and those who wish to stay.

“Voters seem to have mostly sorted themselves into Leavers and Remainers and they are much readier to switch parties within those groups, than they are to change group,” The Telegraph added, citing polling data.

The Johnson-led Conservative party’s poll numbers began rising early this month after Nigel Farage withdrew almost 360 Brexit Party candidates, to unify anti-EU vote in constituencies where the Tories had better chances of winning. The surge continued after Jeremy Corbyn, a lifelong socialist, presented his plan to ‘nationalize’ critical sectors of the British economy.

Following Farage’s decision, the “Conservatives have successfully squeezed the Brexit Party,” The Telegraph wrote on Saturday. Johnson’s party “now have the support of nine times as many voters as the Brexit Party.”

Conservatives were doing well in traditionally Labour-leaning areas, polls predict.

“The Tories have been buoyed by a better-than-expected reception in Scotland, where they once feared they would lose most of their 13 seats but are now confident of holding almost all of them,” the Irish Times reported on Monday. “They expect to pick up seats from Labour in Wales and across the midlands and the north of England.”

The Labour Party, traditionally a working-class party, is failing to rally the base around Corbyn.

“[O]nly 75 per cent of Labour supporters” expected to turn out for the vote, UK’s Daily Mail projected.

To get people to vote, Corbyn has announced handouts to the tune of hundreds of billions of pounds from free high-speed internet to every home to building 100,000 cheap houses each year.

“Labour leader appears to have gathered momentum after revealing his radical manifesto promising mass giveaways,” the Daily Mail reported.

The Corbyn-led Labour Party set its eyes on migrant voters by promising to loosen the immigration rules and make it easier to get their families over to the UK. The party has pledged to “maintain and extend freedom of movement rights.” The move could double the country’s migrant population by 2030 from the current mark of nearly 10 million, the UK Home Secretary and Conservative politician, Priti Patel, warned.

In what The London Times newspaper described as “an unprecedented intervention into politics,” the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote an op-ed criticizing Corbyn for his handling of antisemitism within the Labour Party. Corbyn, who has a lifelong history of making common cause with left-wing and Islamic extremists and terrorist groups, is “unfit for high office,” the Chief Rabbi said in his piece.

“Elections should be a celebration of democracy. However, just weeks before we go to the polls, the overwhelming majority of British Jews are gripped by anxiety,” he explained. “Raising concerns about anti-Jewish racism in the context of a general election ranks among the most painful moments I have experienced since taking office.”

Earlier this month, the leading British Jewish newspaper Jewish Chronicle published a blistering front-page editorial urging non-Jewish voters not to vote for Corbyn. Citing Labour leaders’ “racist views,” the weekly highlighted the “the deep fear he inspires among” the country’s tiny Jewish minority.

Close to half of the Jews residing in the UK were “seriously considering” leaving the country if Labour wins the December 12 election, a recent poll revealed. A separate survey among the British Jews found that “more than 85 per cent believed [Corbyn] was personally antisemitic,” The Times revealed.

Corbyn, like many other European socialists, sees the growing migrant Muslim population as a replacement for the traditional working class. Radical Muslims, streaming in from the Middle East and Arab North Africa, traditionally share a deep hatred for the Western civilization with their leftist counterparts. Islamists, just like the agitators on the Left, have a penchant for offense taking and grievance-mongering. Not to forget their shared urge to blame someone else for their self-inflicted miseries, especially the Jews.

Keeping Britain’s borders open isn’t some naive virtue signaling on the part of the Corbyn or the Labour Party, but a cynical instrument to re-engineer society and the electoral base. The antisemitic attacks on Jews, much like the violence against women, are just ‘collateral’ damage on the path towards multicultural utopia.

“Boris Johnson unveils Conservative manifesto, promises to ‘get Brexit done.'”

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: BREXIT, Britain, European Union