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U. Alaska Southeast Cancels Classes so Students Can Attend ‘Power and Privilege Symposium’

U. Alaska Southeast Cancels Classes so Students Can Attend ‘Power and Privilege Symposium’

“Lived Experiences of Alaskan Transgender and Gender Non Binary Individuals”

The University of Alaska system is currently in the middle of a budget crisis. Maybe they should be allowed to fail.

Campus Reform reports:

UAlaska CANCELS class for ‘Power and Privilege Symposium’

The University of Alaska Southeast lists “classes canceled” Tuesday in order for students to attend an annual Power and Privilege Symposium.

The Power and Privilege Symposium is set to take place November 12, and according to the university calendar, classes are canceled for that day. During the event, participants can go to events like “Lived Experiences of Alaskan Transgender and Gender Non Binary Individuals,” “Unpacking Privilege in the Zero Waste Movement,” “Working with Men: Healing and Accountability,” and more.

For example, the “Working with Men” panel discusses how people can work with men about “dismantling patriarchal ways of thinking,” and issues like “colonial influences, intersectionality, unhealthy and limiting ideas on masculinity and maleness” will also be discussed.

Another breakout session titled “Unpacking Privilege in the Zero Waste Movement” is aimed at explaining how being “zero-waste” requires “different levels of income, time, and inherent privilege.” The session host is even bringing her own environmentally-friendly products and explaining “the levels of privilege that were required to purchase these products.”

At a session titled “Gender, Sexuality, & Inclusion” a Planned Parenthood “outreach educator” will be leading the discussion, explaining how to “be more inclusive and respectful toward the LGBTQ2+ people in your life.”


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I can save them a ton of money. There is no such thing as a zero waste consumer organism.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of the student body attended these seminars.

    alaskabob in reply to RandomCrank. | November 16, 2019 at 11:12 am

    One would be too many. Time for these students to abandon this privileged culture for the stone and bone culture that is theirs from the past.