Two Jail Guards Watching Epstein Charged With Falsifying Records
The defendants “repeatedly failed to conduct mandated checks on inmates and lied on official forms to hide their dereliction.”

Two correctional officers responsible for watching Jeffrey Epstein face charges of falsifying records:
The indictment charged the workers, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, with making false records and conspiring to defraud the United States. Specifically, the indictment said the two workers failed to make their rounds to check on detainees and instead “sat at their desk, browsed the internet and moved around the common area.” Then they signed documents saying they had looked in inmates when they had not.
“The defendants had a duty to ensure the safety and security of federal inmates in their care at the Metropolitan Correctional Center,” Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States attorney in Manhattan, said in a statement. “Instead, they repeatedly failed to conduct mandated checks on inmates and lied on official forms to hide their dereliction.”
Epstein allegedly hung himself in his cell on August 10. I say allegedly because many believe someone murdered him in order to keep his secrets from reaching the public. His family hired a forensic pathologist who said the “evidence points to homicide.”
Epstein’s death happened as he waited for his “trial on charges he sexually abused underage girls.” He allegedly ran an underage prostitute ring for some of the most wealthy men on the planet.
Investigators discovered “‘serious irregularities’ at the jail” while uncooperative witnesses slowed down the FBI’s investigation:
Federal prosecutors had subpoenaed up to 20 staff members at the jail in August. The case was a top priority for the Justice Department. Both Barr and Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen received regular updates.
Falsification of records has been a problem throughout the federal prison system.
Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, who was named director of the Bureau of Prisons after Epstein’s death, disclosed in an internal memo earlier this month that a review of operations across the agency found some staff members failed to perform required rounds and inmate counts but logged that they had done so anyway. A copy of the memo was obtained by the AP.
Jose Rojas, an official in the prison workers’ union, claimed officials are using the two guards as scapegoats:
Mr. Rojas said missing rounds and doctoring records was generally treated as a policy violation in the bureau, not as a criminal matter.
And, he said, there was blame to go around.
“There’s culpability at the top,” Mr. Rojas said. “They always try to blame the lowest person on the totem pole.”
The situation also emphasized the staff shortage at the prison. This has caused “mandatory overtime for guards day after day and other staff being pressed into service as correctional officers.”

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“Mistakes were made.”
What amazes me is the arrogance of the conspirators who planned
the murder. Epstein’s suicide was predicted for months on the internet – and they made all the predictions true knowing that people were watching and waiting for this to happen.
They believed that with the help of the MSM and the deep state that they could get away with murdering one of the most known criminals on Earth. And until now, it looked like they would have gotten away with it. They still may.
The guards will now be suicided and the MSM will say its a coincidence.
More BS from Barr! Sleeping guards are not a cause of death!
But they are a contributing factor, as were the inactive cameras. The guards are not cooperating in the investigation, so they’ve probably been briefed on their life expectancy if they don’t clam up. Maybe sooner or later one will realize that even if they keep their mouths shut, they’re still a threat that will eventually have to be eliminated and they may survive a little longer in witness protection.
Keep in mind that this is not just a matter of a single felony, but one that implicates pretty much the entire Nomenklatura of ours and other countries regardless of party. Every one of those Federal prison employees has family. It is not just the lives of the employees that can be threatened or ended. It would not be surprising if said Nomenklatura does not decide to just wipe the board clean, families and all, with the helpful silence of the media.
Subotai Bahadur
Where was hillary clinton the night epstein was killed?
You know they don’t do their own wet work. They have people for that.
Lying on the couch in a puddle of vomit with an empty JimBeam bottle in her hand
Pretty much like every other night since Nov 8, 2016
Well…except for those special nights when she’s been in all day meetings with the Walker brothers
The situation also emphasized the staff shortage at the prison.
You mean they’re running short of people willing to falsify records? That is serious.
It seems to me that an ambitions do-nothing could actually fill any number of job positions and rack up unlimited amounts of overtime if he doesn’t actually have to do the work. Why put in an eight-hour day when you can just fill out a form saying that you did? A day’s work done in about twenty minutes. What a breakthrough!
It is the Feds!
Subotai Bahadur
they falsified records. For what cost? Check their bank accounts, and those of close family. Also, be aware that both are now on suicide – er, I mean, Arkanicide – watch themselves.
Oh, and Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Falsifying records?
Who do they think they are, the FBI?
And why would they be doing that?
Let me guess.
Epstein had to die.
Just like Oswald.
“repeatedly failed to conduct mandated checks”
That’s piling on charges. It’s one failure.
If you fall asleep, you may repeatedly fail to answer the door, but that’s not the failure anybody talks about.
Like Tom Hanks the insurance guy in Bridge of Spies, correcting the plaintiff’s attorney about whether losing control of the car and wiping out ten motorcyclists is one accident or ten, and hence subject to liability per accident limits.
Where’s supervision? Anybody ever been a duty officer? You make the rounds, check with the guards, make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing and that they know you’ll be around again.
If these guards were doing the usual thing, it means supervision wasn’t checking as a routine.
If there were a stand down order for the night, that’s going to have left a mark someplace.
One important point here. The guards were offered a plea deal. Now this can mean either that the evidence against the guards is very weak. Or, a trial would require the release of the video loge from the cameras in the corridor which have been claimed to be, alternately, not working and, now, working.
Aha – the old low-level scapegoat scam. No surprise there.