Big Sister Is Watching: Greta Thunberg Mural Looms Over San Francisco
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Big Sister Is Watching: Greta Thunberg Mural Looms Over San Francisco

Big Sister Is Watching: Greta Thunberg Mural Looms Over San Francisco

She sits in judgment.

We have covered the rapid deterioration of public health conditions in California, especially in the feces-strewn streets of San Francisco.

Instead of focusing on issues of sanitation, job creation, or at least ensuring there are more high school students than drug addicts in the city, activists have chosen to honor Swedish “climate crisis” activist Greta Thunberg with a giant mural that will grace the skyline.

Andres “Cobre” Petreselli, an internationally renowned artist, is painting the activist teen with big blue eyes and a Mona Lisa smile.

The mural is still a work in progress, as Cobre is spending his days hoisted high up on a platform about 10 stories above Mason street, on the side of the Native Sons building near Union Square.

Thunberg is the 16-year old from Sweden who has inspired young people all over the world to take to the streets and let older people know they want climate change to be taken seriously.

“What I want from people is to realize have to do something for the world,” Cobre said. “Otherwise, it’s going to be the beginning of our extinction.”

The only thing likely to go extinct in the next 12 years is the San Francisco tax base, as current residents plan their departure to less virtue-signalling locations.

More than a third of San Franciscans can’t see themselves staying in the city much longer, according to none other than the city of San Francisco itself.

The survey, conducted by San Francisco’s Office of the Controller, found that 35% of respondents were either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to move out of San Francisco in the next three years. Residents under the age of 35 were the most likely to want to leave and — no surprise here — renters were about twice as likely as homeowners to be thinking of bailing.

The exodus to less social-justice focused locations is being helped by regulations that are killing the city’s once renowned restaurant industry. The city is being served a very cold dish of economic realities paired with a sparking infusion of real human needs.

San Francisco was once known for trendy restaurants with lines out the door. Today, the city’s restaurateurs are concerned with keeping their doors open at all. Restaurant closings outpace openings by 9%, according to Yelp data analyzed by the Golden Gate Restaurant Association. In a recent meeting with the Board of Supervisors, one industry veteran said: “We need to do something now, or we will be gone.”

How did the outlook for a top restaurant city get so bleak? As Hemingway wrote of bankruptcy, it happened “gradually and then suddenly.”

Start with labor costs, which the San Francisco Chronicle identified as “the biggest factor.” In 2003 residents passed an initiative that set the minimum wage almost $2 above the state level and then linked it to rise with inflation. A decade later, another initiative incrementally lifted the wage floor to $15 an hour by 2018. On top of this, the city has separate ordinances regulating paid sick leave, employee health-care spending and workplace scheduling.

And while San Francisco’s elites can point to the success of its Big Tech industry, small businesses are struggling to stay alive.

That was one of the conclusions of a panel of small business people held October 29 that was sponsored by the United Democratic Club. The panel was entitled, “The Cost of Doing Business: Can Small Business Survive in San Francisco?”

Gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman acknowledged that the same issues making the city more difficult for residents, including crime, homelessness, and substance abuse, “hit small businesses acutely.”

Referring to Manny Yekutiel, a gay man and owner of the eponymous year-old cafe in the Mission district where the event was held, Mandelman said, “business owners shouldn’t have to be as superhuman as Manny is to survive” in San Francisco. Yekutiel “has worked his ass off” to schedule excellent programming, said Mandelman.

According to Mandelman, small business owners in the Castro say their biggest challenge is that they “don’t know who is going to come in through the front door.” Panel members described incidents where people with substance abuse or mental health issues threw things at workers or customers and disrupted business.

But at least visitors to San Francisco can enjoy the giant face of Thunberg as they dodge feces and avoid aggressive pan-handlers on their way to find a restaurant that hasn’t closed.

However, given all its regulatory antics, perhaps the mural is now truly more representative of San Francisco than the Golden Gate Bridge. Big Sister is watching!


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There are titanic obstacles in the way of anybody trying to start a restaurant business anywhere. Add in San Francisco’s crushing regulatory burden, including a minimum wage both too high to pay and too low for a typical employee to afford their own little one-room apartment, and aggressive panhandlers that the police are highly reluctant to displace (unless you develop a little on-the-side with your local cops)…

God bless the American business. Because they’re going to need it in SanFran.

    MajorWood in reply to georgfelis. | November 12, 2019 at 1:03 pm

    And that is why food carts are so popular in Portland. They bypass 95% of the regulations which only exist to pad the pockets of government thugs.

Holy creep-fest, Batman! Did they go for the future Stasi-superstar look for St. Greta intentionally?

Usually they look for something that deifies the subject, a la Barack’s halo photos, what with global warming being a religion and all.

A target-rich invitation for paint ball enthusiasts.

The totalitarian-minded always display these huge likenesses of their Dear Leader. From Muzzie countries to North Korea to the Red Chinese communists and others (Hilter and Stalin were similarly featured). So it’s only following form to see such dangerous nonsense in SanFran.

We live in a strange era. We have a girl who is just angry at the world, little educated, who is becoming an accepted expert in “climate change” with no background to support that expertise . How the heck has this happened?
She isn’t bright. She is just angry. A nasty little thing that had zero discipline growing up, raised by morons for parents who encouraged this.
She is something out of a horror movie, like a kid from Carrie or some such flick that has evil kids hating.
Hate plays such a major role in today’s leftist politics. If they didn’t have that, they would have nothing. And yet people follow this hate. They join in the hate-fest.

imagine–a swedish retard presiding over a third-world city

only in san fran………

If you check out the video of the mural being painted, you will see that they are using spray paint, which I thought was not good for the air and the ozone hole, whatever.

But according to a different article that I read, they will create a sculpture or something out of the cans of paint.

An uneducated, autistic 16 year old climate change “expert”.
Men honored for participating in women’s sports.
“Free” education and health care.
Viable babies in utero are not considered “alive”.

When will the collective insanity in our culture clear enough for people to recognize that the emperor really is naked?

Is she supposed to look like Putin?

Now someone needs to sneak up there overnight and give her a Hitler mustache.

Does this warped little kid look like Hermann Goering, or what?

A city that can’t keep people from crapping on sidewalks, idolizes a simple minded 16 year old about a non existent problem.

California dreaming.

It looks so ‘Soviet’. The murals of Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels must have been the inspiration for this atrocity.

Looks a bit like The Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz.

(And pay no attention to that intellect-challenged juvenile behind the curtain.)

At least if they’d painted it on a sidewalk, people could defecate on it.

How 1984 !

Resist Socialist Oppression!

Charles N. Steele | November 11, 2019 at 8:21 am

Let’s put this waif’s blank visage everywhere! Greta is the new Harambe!

Charles N. Steele | November 11, 2019 at 8:21 am

Let’s put this waif’s blank visage everywhere! Greta is the new Harambe!

Not only is she watching, but there will be no place for mercy, only justice. In her recent speech to the United Nations, Thunberg told the world that if something was not done in response to climate change, they would “never be forgiven.”

Grumpy Greta. The replacement for Grumpy Cat (RIP).

Portrait of a MONSTER as a young girl.

The Friendly Grizzly | November 11, 2019 at 3:55 pm

Start a rumor she used the N word in kindergarten. That will ruin her.

Big Sister is watching you!

People think the “portrait’ resembles Vladimir Putin. Which is fitting given the “leaders” of San Franfecesco are pseudo-Marxists. A smelly, filthy, disease ridden, unwashed, homeless filled, polluted city with a fouled harbor is going to be made better with a “Big Brother” style wall mural of a deranged, brainwashed Envirowhacko teenager? Good luck with that.