Isn’t it reassuring to know that our institutions of higher learning have their priorities in order?The College Fix reports:
Students encouraged to use terms ‘folks’ or ‘y’all’ instead of ‘guys’ at pronoun workshopSan Diego State University held a “Pronouns 101” workshop on November 20 in honor of “Transgender Awareness Day.”The event, hosted by Wesley Palau, coordinator of SDSU’s Pride Center, and Miles Reyes, part of the Pride Center’s media team, spent time teaching students how to use language that is inclusive of transgender people. It lasted for about half an hour and was sparsely attended.The speakers started the presentation with a land acknowledgement of indigenous people.After, students were advised not to use the word “guys” when addressing a group of people, and instead use terms such as “y’all” or “folks.” Another option suggested was “beautiful people.”Next students engaged in an activity during which they were given various statements regarding pronouns and asked to raise their hands if they agreed or disagreed.Some of the statements included:
“It is grammatically incorrect to refer to a single person as ‘they.’”“It is ok to use whatever pronouns you think fits a person.”
The two speakers then provided a large excel-like picture of all the various pronouns a transgender person could have, which included sections for Spanish and indigenous languages.
“Some languages are more gender-neutral and are more able to incorporate gender-neutral pronouns in language, but when that’s not inherently in the system, we make it work…because [language] is meant to evolve,” Reyes said.