Reuters Deletes Story Meant to Make Trump Look Bad After Realizing it Made Obama Look Bad

Reuters completely deleted a wire story concerning the number of children in migrant detention centers after discovering that the author’s figures were from 2015 and do not reflect the current number of children in such centers.

Adding an editor’s note or something of the like was tossed for a complete revocation, which is always last and worst case scenario in the news world. And yet…

Reuters posted:

(Reuters) – A Nov. 18 story headlined “U.S. has world’s highest rate of children in detention -U.N. study” is withdrawn. The United Nations issued a statement on Nov. 19 saying the number was not current but was for the year 2015. No replacement story will be issued.

Wire stores are republished a gazillion times over by various news agencies, including AFP.

Amazing. Truly.

Good thing the story has been captured.

Tags: Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome