Protesters Greet Melania Trump at Boston Hospital to Promote Program That Helps Babies Born on Drugs
“This is not a person that we want to come to our home, our hospital.”

First Lady Melania Trump went to Boston Medical Center (BMC) to promote the hospital’s program to cuddle babies born on drugs.
The hatred for the Trump family takes precedence over the promotion of a beautiful program to help babies in need. Even though her visit brought attention to BMC’s program, around 200 BMC employees protested Melania’s visit.
From Fox News:
Outside Boston Medical Center in the city’s South End, as many as 200 workers protested the visit, saying the first lady represented an administration who they say has discouraged immigrants from seeking health care with tough immigration policies. Some carried signs that read “BMC cares for all patients” and “We believe that healthy women = healthy families = healthy society.”
“Families need to be together, that the best way to support children’s development is for them to be with their families,” Carmen Rosa Norona, a psychotherapist working with young children affected by trauma, told The Associated Press. “That being the children, having the possibility to grow up with their families, is a human right in that the policies of separating families are a violation of those rights.”
“This is not a person that we want to come to our home, our hospital,” added Cecilia Girard, a 26-year employee who works as a nurse-midwife.
Some people wore coats mocking the one Melania wore to visit migrant children. Hers said, “I really don’t care. Do U?” Her office insisted it did not contain a hidden message.
As you can see in the video, people wrote on their coats, “I really do care. Do U?”
Instead of concentrating on the protesters, Melania chose to focus on those who needed the attention: the drug-addicted babies.
Melania had a roundtable lunch with BMC president Kate Walsh, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Massachusetts First Lady Lauren Baker, and doctors from the hospital.
Melania learned about BMC’s Cuddling Assists in Lowering Maternal and Infant Stress (CALM) program. Volunteers and other mothers come in to cuddle with babies born addicted to drugs and alcohol as they go through neonatal abstinence syndrome.
Studies have shown this cuddling helps the babies as they go through drug or alcohol withdrawal.
After lunch, Melania went to the Pediatric Intensive Unit to meet with other doctors, along with families and children in the CALM program.
But, again, who cares that she brought attention to this relevant and useful program. Who cares that Melania has a heart of gold and truly cares about other human beings.
This is just more proof her husband has truly broken people.

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Only the left is capable of this kind of hatred! As much as I hated obama and his wife for their political views, I would have never acted in this way if either of them was offering to help others. This exposes the left as a frenzied group of people that are capable of doing almost anything when they work themselves up. And I mean ANYTHING!
The Democrat Party and its Sorass funded Fake protesters will soon all be as dead as Epstein!
Stick a Fork in Dem – It’s OVER!!!!
The Fat Hillary has already sang!!
“Wall Street Democrats Shutting Their Wallets to Senate Democrat Candidates Due to Fears of Elizabeth Warren Becoming the Presidential Candidate”
They’re just doing what their masters expect of them.
If the First Lady was doing this before PDT announced as a candidate, the same cattle would be singing her praises.
When you think about revolutions in recent history, there have been two types :
– right wing : think the American revolution.
– left wing : think French revolution / communist revolution in Russia
You can see why the way those revolutions turn out so differently because of the differences in the people who revolt and why/how.
These batshit crazy morons can’t help but cover themselves in “glory”. Everything they do is beyond contemptible, yet they think they are brave and courageous heroes who will be glorified for their jackassery.
That is the absolute hilarious part.
They really do think that they are super brave.
More proof that we elected the right guy. You really have to be cold-hearted and hate-filled to protest an event like this. They must have been raised on “How to Lose Friends and Make Enemies” or “I’m Okay, YOU SUCK!!!”
Professionalism is as much a state of mind as it is learned skills. These shrews will never be truly professional!
don’t wear a MAGA hat when on their property, you may not come out alive
no way those are real care givers: no hospital has so much excess staff on shift that they can let 200 of them walk off the job in the middle of their w*rk day. that would be a violation of mandated staffing requirements, and a YUGE fine would be the result.
this are the admin types, paper pushers, etc, and i’d say the hospital just found 200 excess slots they can cut from their headcount.
on twwtter yesterday, someone labeled them “healthcare professionals”… nothing could be further from the truth: real HCP’s never abandon their patients.
Let’s not forget that it was the Obama White House who dressed up staffers in lab coats and presented them as “Doctors” in a Rose Garden speech about ZerOcare
Soros Rent-A-Mob in action.
Has anyone verified that any of these harpies have anything at all to do with BMC?
I’m sure that many Leftoids have learned something from the way that the Palis manage to hijack just about anything which will generate some publicity.
The leftist will find anger and hatred in anything and anyone who doesn’t drink their kool-aide. Why are they so anger and why do they have to destroy? FLOTUS is visiting sick children, addicted babies, and the visit will bring attention to this tragedy. Meanwhile, hospital staff would rather protest than support the First Lady than work with her to publicize the problem.
I find the Leftist treatment of Melania Trump to be dishonest and excessively bitchy. It reeks of mean girl envy.
I agree with Tom_Swift that the “protesters” should be presumed to be a rent-a-mob. We’ve just seen that phenomenon too often to discount the possibility, and it would be a shame to think poorly of the hospital, if the real problem is paid actors.
It’s amusing that Fox reported “as many as 200” and local news reported “dozens.”
Just another straw on the poor camel’s back.
The whole, ‘If Trump cured cancer the Democrats would protest’ is supposed to be a joke not a set of directions.
Well, no donation for them!!!
So from the looks of things, hospital management and professionals met with the 1st Lady – while the labor force staged the protest. It must drive management crazy to watch helpless while labor shoots the business in the foot with half of potential customers.
A number of stealth conservatives who work/have worked at Boston Medical Center, called in to our local AM morning talk show. They commented that BMC president Kate Walsh is a big leftie and actually approves of stunts like this walk-out.
The left are universal haters of anything good and genuine.
Note: It’s not YOUR hospital.
Is it too late to tell the commenting midwife that she didn’t build that?
That’s some class act there at Boston Medical Center. Do they refuse to treat people on the basis of their politics?
Democrats are well on their way to needing a “Cuddle” program just for themselves. Life is scary!
Class versus trash.
Considering the obama grifter before her, and that other grifter hillary clinton, and the stink of those two probably still permeates the building, Meliania is really is a wonderful First Lady.
We are very kind to her, and so will history be.
It’s very easy to freeze the video and count the protesters. There were about 100 visible.
I was born and raised in Boston and have lived in Massachusetts for pretty much my entire life. This protest does not surprise me one bit. Massachusetts is the nut capital of the nation. Only in Massachusetts will people protest against a woman whose great offense was to show up to cuddle drug-addicted babies.
My real concern here is the precedent that is even now being set into stone. Anyone is fair game. No place or event is off limits. Common civility needs to be replaced by righteous indignation. Does anybody really think that when the next Democrat is elected president that his or her entire family won’t be subjected to this kind of boorish, moronic behavior? I don’t. I think that pay back will be ten-fold.
All of this outrage culture is being driven by the current twenty minute news cycle. It’s a monster that demands feeding and will not be denied.
As a nurse, I’m embarrassed. I hope that they didn’t protest on company time.