Northwestern Student Paper Refuses to Publish College Republicans’ Response to Sessions Protest

The student paper at Northwestern embarrassed itself over the Sessions speech by apologizing to protesters. Read the full back story here. Now they are making the situation worse.

From the Illinois Review:

Daily Northwestern Editor Refuses to Publish College Republicans’ Response to Sessions’ ProtestNorthwestern University College Republicans invited former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to address issues he faced while serving in the Trump Administration and the U.S. Senate. However, Sessions’ speech was interrupted time and time again by shouting protestors, and the Republican organization’s guest had to be escorted out with armed security after the event.The College Republicans had something to say about how their guest was treated – but was met immediately with a brick wall surrounding the Daily Northwestern’s editorial office. The student paper refused to publish their response.The following is a letter offered to the Daily Northwestern’s editor from the Northwestern University College Republicans:Picture President Obama giving a speech at the University of Alabama on the topic of his administration’s agenda. He is welcomed to campus by protestors, who interrupt his speech by screaming, pounding the hall’s doors, and shouting the most obscene vulgarities in an attempt to silence him. Imagine members of the audience rudely interrupting his speech and cutting into his comments. And after the event ends, President Obama has to be rushed from the building into his car, completely surrounded by police officers to ward off an angry (and potentially violent) mob.Well, there’s really no need to imagine: with the exception of the public figure and locale, this set of events happened this very week.

Tags: College Insurrection, Jeff Sessions, Republicans