Former CNN Commentator Calls for Abolition of Prisons in Speech at St. Olaf College

Remember Marc Lamont Hill? He used to be a CNN contributor. He recently gave a speech at St. Olaf College in which he called for an end to nation states and prisons.

Campus Reform reports:

EXCLUSIVE: In campus speech, fired CNN commentator advocates ‘dismantling’ of nation states, ‘abolition’ of prisonsNation-states and prisons should be abolished, Fox News is a collection of radicals, and President Donald Trump is a “chaotic” manifestation of “white supremacist nostalgia” according to Marc Lamont Hill in a recent speech at St. Olaf College.Hill was fired from CNN in 2018 after making a series of anti-Semitic remarks. On Thursday, he visited St. Olaf at the invitation of the school’s Political Awareness Committee (PAC) where he gave a speech musing about various political issues and reminiscing about his time working for Fox News.Hill explained that his activism is “working toward that ultimate vision” of abolishing both nation-states and prisons. While he acknowledged that these objectives will be a “challenge,” he urged students to partake in action “which supports that movement.”He also identified “chaos” as a detrimental force plaguing America. “Chaos is November 8th, 2016” he claimed, in reference to Trump’s election day.“The chaos of Donald Trump isn’t just that he ushered in a set of policies that were entirely, bizarrely, disturbingly hostile to vulnerable people,” Hill said. He then cited “the Muslim ban, the refusal to welcome refugees from particular nation-states, the attacks on the working poor, the attacks on the working class the vicious attacks on trans folk” as supposed examples of Trump exhibiting chaos.Hill then alleged that Trump uses an “appeal to white supremacist nostalgia as a means by which to advance his own political agenda, [which is] all that is chaos.”However, he also clarified that “Trump is not a new sort, Trump is American leadership on steroids.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice