Conservative Pundit Andrew Klavan Protested at Boston College

Klavan was invited to speak by the College Republicans, but some students were triggered.

The College Fix reports:

Boston College activists protest ‘Islamophobic, racist’ conservative punditThis past Tuesday at Boston College approximately 100 protesters “chanted, clapped, stomped,” and pounded on windows in an attempt to thwart conservative pundit Andrew Klavan from speaking to the BC College Republicans.According to The Heights, Klavan’s appearances at colleges “have been protested by students and administrators alike” due to his (alleged) “racist and Islamophobic” comments. He’s also committed the grievous sin of proclaiming Western/European culture as superior.Much of Klavan’s BC speech was inaudible due to protesters’ noise-making, the student paper reports.The College Republicans moved up the time of the event by 15 minutes and had changed to a smaller venue, both of which thwarted the activists from demonstrating inside the classroom.Outside, the protesters chanted “No hate! No fear! Muslims are welcome here!” and “No justice! No peace! No racism at BC!”Undergraduate Government President Michael Osaghae said that Islamophobic and anti-LGBTQ+ speakers “shouldn’t come here in the context of it’s not even open to students who attend.”Student Aneeb Sheikh claimed it was “dangerous” that Klavan was permitted to speak at BC, and added the College Republicans should apologize for inviting him.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Massachusetts