Biden Floats As Possible VP Pick “the woman who should have been the governor of Georgia”

While the news was extremely bad for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), the most recent polling by Quinnipiac shows former vice president Joe Biden (D-DE) back at the top of the pack.  Even before this poll’s release, Biden was batting around ideas for his own VP should he win the Democrat nomination.

Among those in contention are four women:  former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, both New Hampshire Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D) and Maggie Hassan (D), and former state rep. Stacey Abrams (GA).

Biden appears to be back comfortably in the top spot and at the expense of Warren.

Quinnipiac reports:

Former Vice President Joe Biden has retaken the lead in the Democratic primary race for president as Senator Elizabeth Warren’s numbers have plummeted, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. Biden receives 24 percent of the vote among Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic, while South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg gets 16 percent, Warren receives 14 percent, and Sen. Bernie Sanders gets 13 percent.Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who just entered the race, receives 3 percent as do Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Sen. Cory Booker, businessman Andrew Yang, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, and Sen. Michael Bennet each receive 2 percent. No other candidate tops one percent. Eleven percent are undecided.In an October 24 poll, Warren received 28 percent, Biden had 21 percent, Sanders was at 15 percent, and Buttigieg got 10 percent.”Biden is back on top of the pack but now there is a 3-way race for second. Buttigieg has broken into the top tier, apparently at the expense of Warren, who has taken a dive after being hammered for being too far left on health care and other issues,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.

Prior to this good polling news for the Biden campaign, Biden was asked at a town hall who would be his pick for VP.

The Hill reports:

White House hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden identified four women he could name as his pick for vice president if he wins the Democratic nomination.At a town hall Friday night, Biden was asked about his pick, and he joked back to the questioner, “You. Are you available?” USA Today reported.Biden did not provide any specific names, but he said several people are qualified, including “the former assistant attorney general who got fired,” referring to former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates; “the woman who should have been the governor of Georgia,” referring to Stacey Abrams; and “the two senators from the state of New Hampshire,” referring to Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D) and Maggie Hassan (D).Yates was fired by President Trump in 2017 after refusing to to defend his administration’s travel ban. She was serving as the acting attorney general at the time.Abrams, a former Georgia state lawmaker, came close to defeating Republican Brian Kemp for the Georgia governor’s seat in 2018. She said in a speech at the University of Iowa earlier this month that she would be “happy” to run as a vice presidential candidate.

Biden might need to ask Abrams quickly if he wants her on his ticket, however, as it seems that she will be busy working on her new CBS television show.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Joe Biden, Stacey Abrams