Will Mitt Romney Become a 2020 Primary Challenger to Trump?

Political pundits are trying to divine the true meaning behind the recent social media clashes between President Donald Trump and Utah Senator Mitt Romney.

A few days ago, Romney accused Trump of “appalling” behavior in his call for China and Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Trump robustly responded in a series of Tweets that described Romney as a “pompous ass.” He also suggested that the people of Utah impeach their recently elected representative.

In the wake of Trump’s announcement of the withdrawal of troops from Syria, Romney tweeted that the move means the president handed a victory to Assad, Russia, Iran, and ISIS and he abandoned the Kurds. Meanwhile, Trump reminded everyone that he will wage an economic war against Turkey if they do something “off limits.”

These exchanges have led some analysts to speculate that Romney may be testing the waters to challenge Trump during the 2020 primary season.

For example, pollsters are pressing the news that Romney wins a “hypothetical” primary challenge against Trump…as long as said voters were strictly Utah Republican.

In one of the first 2020 polls pitting President Trump against critic Mitt Romney, the new Utah senator crushes the 45th president.It helps that the poll was of Utah Republicans.The “hypothetical primary matchup” from OHPI had Trump losing to Romney 55 percent to 37 percent in Utah.“Republican base voters around the country back President Trump,” said Mike Noble, chief of research of Phoenix-based research company OH Predictive Insights.“But Beehive State voters buck that trend, giving the state’s junior senator a wide margin of victory in a matchup,” he added.

However, according to one of those infamous “unnamed sources,” what Romney really wants to do is to lead the Senate into removing Trump after the House impeaches him.

According to people close to Romney, he’s firmly decided against primarying Trump, an enterprise he believes to be a sure loser given Trump’s enduring GOP support. Romney has also told people that, as an unsuccessful two-time presidential candidate, he’s the wrong person to take on Trump. Instead, a Romney adviser told me, Romney believes he has more potential power as a senator who will decide Trump’s fate in an impeachment trial. “He could have tremendous influence in the impeachment process as the lone voice of conscience in the Republican caucus,” the adviser said. In recent days, Romney has been reaching out privately to key players in the Republican resistance, according to a person briefed on the conversations.

In terms of Impeachment Inquiry Theater, it appears that more and more politicians have connections to Ukraine, including Romney. One of the Utah politician’s top advisors worked on the same Ukrainian energy board as Hunter Biden.

According to web archives, top Mitt Romney adviser Joseph Cofer Black, who publicly goes by “Cofer Black,” joined Burisma’s board of directors while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board.According to The New Yorker, Hunter joined Burisma’s board in April of 2014 and remained on it until he declined to renew his position this past May. Meanwhile, according to Burisma’s website, Black was appointed in February of 2017 and continues to serve on its board. The timelines would indicate that Black and Biden worked together at Burisma, and indeed, web archives from late 2017 show Black and Biden listed simultaneously on the board….It’s looking increasingly probable that Burisma, the subject of a series of corruption allegations in the past, has been smartly buying Western complacency by slapping a few famous names on its board.

And while Romney touts himself as a “man of character,” Fox News pundit and talk show host Tammy Bruce recalls how he treated our now highly successful Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell. Romney chose Grenell as his 2012 campaign’s national security spokesman.

Grenell resigned after being pushed into the background during key events because he is gay.

Due to Romney’s failure to defeat Mr. Obama, Ric had to wait four more years before the nation had a candidate and then president with the character to not just recognize Ric’s talent but stand by him. Ric is now our Ambassador to Germany because President Trump made sure a passive-aggressive senate confirmed his nomination.Mr. Romney says he doesn’t like what Mr. Trump stands for. But perhaps the fact that Mr. Trump actually stands for something is what really outrages the also-ran.

So, it appears that Utah may have its own version of John McCain. Romney seems to be planning to cast a shameful vote in the Senate that hurts the American people because of a personal vendetta.

Tags: Mitt Romney, Trump 2020, Trump Ukraine