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U. Oklahoma Student Govt. Group Votes to Remove Pledge of Allegiance from Agenda

U. Oklahoma Student Govt. Group Votes to Remove Pledge of Allegiance from Agenda

“is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment”

No problem. End all federal funding to the University of Oklahoma. The student government wouldn’t want any of that dirty money anyway, would they?

Campus Reform reports:

OU student gov scraps Pledge of Allegiance, says it’s ‘incompatible’ with US Constitution

A student government group at the University of Oklahoma passed a resolution removing the Pledge of Allegiance from its agenda.

The Undergraduate Student Congress claimed that the pledge “is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment as pledging your allegiance to the flag of the United States as one nation under God” is in conflict to the right of freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, and petitioning the government.

The resolution passed Tuesday by a vote of 15-11, reported KFOR-TV.

OU senior Gabi Thompson, who sponsored the resolution, stated that her motivation for removing the pledge was because it was written for the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America, which she believes to be problematic.

“It was written as a celebration of Columbus Day in 1892, and in the city of Norman we don’t celebrate Columbus Day, we celebrate Indigenous People’s Day,” Thompson told KFOR-TV.

OU’s international community makes up 10 percent of the student body, according to Thompson.

The OU College Republicans wrote a response stating that “while we respect everyone’s right to not say the Pledge of Allegiance, we would urge them to do otherwise. The Pledge of Allegiance transcends partisanship, race, ethnicity, and all of the divides in our country. It reminds us that though we may disagree, or look different, or not worship the same, we are one nation, indivisible.”


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I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

So now my free speech violates the Constitution. Who knew?

    daniel_ream in reply to irv. | October 1, 2019 at 12:14 pm

    No, requiring you to recite the Pledge does. And you know that, you’re just being deliberately disingenuous.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to irv. | October 1, 2019 at 1:46 pm

    You left out “Indivisible” after “under God”.

    Just say’in.

No problem. End all federal funding to the University of Oklahoma.

Whatever for? They’re right. Or at least more right than wrong.

I always found the Pledge annoying, anyway. It reduces genuine patriotism to mere idolatry. Hell with that.

As for Indigenous People’s Day . . . hell with that, too.

One of the most conservative/red states?
More conservatives need to get involved in student government.
The left ruins everything.

Their next move will be to replace the national anthem with The Internationale at all of their sports events.