Teacher Files Lawsuit After Being Fired for Not Using Transgender Student’s Preferred Pronouns
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Teacher Files Lawsuit After Being Fired for Not Using Transgender Student’s Preferred Pronouns

Teacher Files Lawsuit After Being Fired for Not Using Transgender Student’s Preferred Pronouns

“referring to a female as a male by using an objectively male pronoun is telling a lie”

We can probably expect this to happen on a regular basis now. The left won’t tolerate any dissent so people who refuse to go along will have no recourse other than the legal system.

The New York Post reports:

Teacher fired over transgender pronoun fight files suit

A former Virginia high school teacher who was fired after refusing to say a transgender student’s pronouns has filed a suit against the district, claiming his religious rights were violated, a report said.

Teacher Peter Vlaming, a former French teacher, filed the suit against West Point Public Schools, which is outside Richmond.

Vlaming was fired from his post in December for refusing to refer to a student as “he” and “him” as the child was transitioning from female to male.

In the suit filed Monday, Vlaming said he “sincerely believes that referring to a female as a male by using an objectively male pronoun is telling a lie.”


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There. Are. Four. Lights!

There was a recent discussion here about the political correctness of the new Star Trek franchises, but, if anything they were the ones to call out the millenials and the SJW with their depiction of Borg society. Though I think they got it wrong, as around here, “you will assimilate yourself” seems to be the common MO. With in a few years I expect Apple to introduce an iCam that can be implanted on the side of the head.

    daniel_ream in reply to MajorWood. | October 3, 2019 at 8:43 pm

    Star Trek has never had an original idea. “There Are Four Lights” is straight from 1984, and the 2+2=5 indoctrination.

    The Borg were originally intended to be a insectoid hive mind, a la the bugs from Ender’s Game (originality again). They just didn’t have the budget to depict them as such. And they only introduced the Borg because the greedy, grasping walking anti-Semitic stereotype of the Ferengi failed to resonate with audiences as a credible villain.

“people who refuse to go along will have no recourse other than the legal system.”

And the Natural Law legal system that is available to all.

I hope they are bankrupted by it.

The teacher is correct, and I hope he wins big time.
I imagine this will end up at SCOTUS.
Let us hope we have a full Constitutional and conservative majority by then.
Where are all the science people? If you have a Y, you are male.
FYI, this is a very small conservative town in VA. I am quite surprised the school board leaned the way they did.

    JOHN B in reply to lc. | October 5, 2019 at 8:11 am

    The school system was probably afraid of what would happen if they did not do this. The ACLU and other groups with unlimited resources and Obama operatives throughout the federal system would destroy the town and its school system. Unfortunate, but true.