German Interior Minister Warns of Migrant Wave Bigger Than 2015
German Minister Seehofer: Country could “experience a wave of refugees like in 2015 – or perhaps an even larger one.”

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer warned that the country could soon be overwhelmed by a refugee wave more significant than the one in 2015.
“We need to do more to help our European partners with controls at the EU’s external borders. We’ve left them alone for too long,” Seehofer said during a visit to Turkey. “If we don’t do this, we’ll experience a wave of refugees like in 2015 – or perhaps an even larger one.”
Germany’s state broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported the minister’s warning:
German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has warned of a larger influx of refugees than that seen in Europe in 2015. He made the statement during an official visit to Greece.
Traveling with incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Seehofer also said the EU had to do more to support Turkey so that refugees did not attempt the often dangerous crossing to Greece.
During a two-day trip this week, Seehofer traveled to both Turkey and Greece, where he held talks with government representatives, hoping to broker a strong deal on refugees and border controls.
“We have to help our European partners even more in patrolling the EU’s external borders; we have left them alone for too long,” Seehofer told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, referring not only to Greece but also to Spain and Italy. “If we don’t, we will once again see a refugee wave like in 2015 — maybe even greater than four years ago.”
The fear of a new migrant wave comes as Ankara prepares for a military invasion in northeast Syria after the U.S. pulls out, media reports suggest. Turkish forces have gathered near the border with Syria, a move aimed at targeting positions held by pro-U.S. Kurdish allies. Kurds played a crucial role in pushing back the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to “open the gates” for illegal immigrants if the European Union fails to meet his ever-increasing demands. Ankara could again use the threat to silence Europe if it wages war against the Kurds in neighboring Syria.
In 2016, German Chancellor Angela Merkel reached a deal with Erdogan to ease the pressure on the unabated migrant surge. Berlin promised billions of euros in return for Ankara’s vague promises to slow down the migrant influx.
In a separate report, Deutsche Welle reported the details of the EU-Turkey deal:
Under a 2016 EU-Turkey agreement, Turkey committed to preventing migrants from reaching Greece. Greece was also permitted to send rejected asylum-seekers back to Turkey. In return, Turkey was pledged €6 billion ($6.6 billion) to house refugees in camps, while the EU also accepted a certain contingent whose asylum claims had been recognized. So far €5.8 billion has been allocated and €2.6 billion disbursed.
However, Greece has witnessed a massive spike in the number of illegal asylum seekers crossing over from Turkey.
“Irregular arrivals to Greece increased over the past weeks and months,” EU Migration Kommissar Dimitris Avramopoulos admitted last week. “There is an urgent need to further strengthen the prevention and detection of irregular departures from Turkey.”
If the recent migrant surge along the Greek-Turkish border is any indicator, the Merkel-Erdgoan pact is dead in its tracks. The Greek “islands right now are suffering from strangulation due to overcrowding at the facilities, and there is a need for more effective border guarding, and concern over possible increased flows in the coming period,” the government in Athens disclosed in August.
While Greece makes desperate calls for strengthening the border and coastal security, NGOs backed by Germany, and the EU continue to pick up migrants along the North African coasts and disembarking them in Greek, Spanish, and Italian ports.
If financially bankrupt Greece is unable to secure its coastline, Berlin isn’t in any better shape either. Nearly a million migrants — mainly from Arab and Muslim countries — swarmed the country after Chancellor Merkel opened Germany’s borders in September 2015. The surge led to a series of deadly Islamic terror attacks and a rise in violent migrant crime.
Four years on, the Merkel-led Germany is unprepared to face a migrant wave of the magnitude witnessed last time. There were not enough trained police officers to man Germany’s border, the head of Germany’s police union admitted.
“We don’t even have winter boots,” chairman of the German Police Federation (GdP) Jörg Radek told Der Tagesspiegel newspaper.
Migrant wave along Greek-Turkish border
[Cover image via YouTube]

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Like they can’t control their borders? The reality is, they can’t control Merkel.
Fuhrer Merkel and her Fourth Reich……
There is a democratic gerrymandering, social justice, and commercial incentive. That said, emigration reform to mitigate progress of immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and through. Immigration that does not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before planned parenthood.
Without a doubt, Angela Merkel is the absolute worst chancellor in the history of Germany — no one else comes close.
This is mainly a European problem. Let the EU worry about Turkey and come up with a solution that doesn’t require that the US do all of the fighting, dying and paying. They might consider importing our natural gas? Maybe?
Those aren’t refugees, they’re reinforcements.
Merkel killed her country
along with several others- so far….Sweden, Greece, England, France, etc.
Trump isn’t Prester John and we’re not in any position to help Europe commit suicide anyway.
They called up the Muslim hordes, they can put it down. Or not.
They still don’t have anything like our problem with refugees. If we cannot end our multi-generational problems with tens of millions of illegals, what can America possibly do on the other side if the globe?
They put out the welcome mat, promised everyone Free Room and Board, plus all they can eat buffets, and now they’re surprised that people are going to show up.
They’re shocked that virtue signaling and moral posturing might turn out to have some real world consequences.
You omitted the infinite supply of children, young adults and women, all with scant repercussion, and let’s not forget the protection of the law against criticism, afforded of the tourist horde of proselytising militant peace-lovers.
“German Interior Minister Celebrates Migrant Wave Bigger Than 2015”
“we don’t have winter boots”
Bummer man.
Does that mean they’ll get cold feet about coming? No.
But German authorities will probably divert boot production and distribution so refugees get boots and poor Germans can make do.
Well, speaking from Britain – all the more reason for the fastest possible BREXIT!
Praying for a NO-DEAL Brexit without further delay.
This will keep on and on and on until there is either a complete capitulation or a bloodbath.
There goes the neighborhood!
Seems like Turkey is aiming one enormous shotgun at the EU’s heart. And Merkel is helping him aim.
Who was it, again, who wanted to be the center of the new Caliphate?
This could all be stopped in a week by seizing ships transporting people to Greece, Spain and Italy.
Why? Because EU autocrats want it to happen. All evidenced by past behavior.
One piece of the evidence being the black bloc antifa pro immigrant riots at the Brenner Pass border checkpoint. Hundreds of violent rioters repeatedly attacked the border police over the course of months and years. Here’s the interesting bit. There’s just one road leading to the pass. The authorities could stop the black bloc rioters long before they get to the border. But they don’t. Because the EU autocrats use the black bloc as unofficial-official militia. Astroturfing on a huge scale.
Run silent, run deep. Running hot, normal, and straight.
It’s dangerous to cross the Bosphorus Bridge and then travel overland to Greece?
If these folks were truly worried about safety, etc., they’d provide the refugees with airfare from Istanbul to Templehof (about $150), rather than make the refugees pay thousands of dollars to the human traffickers to be tossed into a rubber raft in the Med.
But it isn’t about safety, and it’s not even about the refugees as humans.
“Berlin promised billions of euros in return for Ankara’s vague promises to slow down the migrant influx”
Let’s call that what it is, protection money. Muhammad would often demand such tribute in return for holding off attacks, but as his future actions established any truce with the infidel must be abdicated when it would be to the advantage of the Muslims to do so. Muhammad always broke his promises to the infidel. Knowing the history of Islam only an ignorant fool (or lousy traitor) would countenance such payments.
Trump promised to destroy the Turkish economy if they crossed his imaginary line. That sounds like the EU will be trying to salvage the Turkish economy which isn’t hard to believe as hard as they have been working to salvage the Iranian economy.
Of course, once he gets our troops out of Afghanistan, he could then decide we don’t need all those US bases in the EU & there goes that gravy train they have come to depend on while they allow their militaries funding to slide into basic uselessness. If the US isn’t there to defend them they have no defense.
Poland is right there next to Germany so it would be about the same as a refueling halfway point for US forces & we would be in a nation that actually wants us there. Most of the rest of NATO now only wants US bases there to support their economies. To be honest, the USSR is dead & NATO has lost it’s usefulness so going back to the days of treaties with individual nations, nations that will actually uphold their part of the treaty, would work great for us.
The same hold true even more so for Turkey. They have not been a reliable ally for years now. More of a hindrance most of the time. Their deal to buy Russian air defenses which caused the cancellation of their being in the F-35 program is a major indicator of just how untrustworthy they have become.
Germany fulfilled their NATO “obligations” after 9/11 by sending over troops that stayed in their base. Poland sent troops to actually fight and, from all accounts, they are pretty good fighters. Allies it would definitely be worth building new bases in to transfer our current Germany based troops to. It would definitely rattle Russia’s cage & the fact that Obama killed the missile defense shield Bush had worked out while getting nothing in return should settle any claims as to who is in Putin’s pocket. Actions speak far louder than made up, democrat media advanced words. Poland was under the occupation of Russia for 50 years & doesn’t want to go back. Germany is selling their security to Russia for imported gas so they can still pretend to be “going green”.