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Drexel University Stuck With $190K Bill After Former Prof Allegedly Blew it on Strip Clubs

Drexel University Stuck With $190K Bill After Former Prof Allegedly Blew it on Strip Clubs

“blew hundreds of thousands of federal research dollars at area strip clubs, government lawyers said”

How does someone spend this kind of money on trips to a nudie bar?

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:

Ex-prof’s strip club habit sticks Drexel University with $190K bill

The former head of Drexel University’s electrical engineering department blew hundreds of thousands of federal research dollars at area strip clubs, government lawyers said. Now, the school is stuck paying the tab.

The Justice Department announced Monday a nearly $190,000 settlement that the university agreed to pay to fend off a potential lawsuit.

The sum stems from tabs Chikaodinaka Nwankpa, 56, spent on dancers over a decade using grant money he was supposed to have applied to energy, science, and naval — not navel — research.

University auditors uncovered Nwankpa’s misspending in 2017. But the professor had hardly been modest about his extracurricular research.

According to government lawyers, he submitted several improper charges against his federal grants for “goods and services” billed at “gentlemen’s clubs” including Club Risque and Cheerleaders in South Philadelphia and the Tacony Club between 2007 and 2017. Investigators also allegedly found misspending at sports bars and on iTunes.

Once confronted, Nwankpa decided to bare all. He admitted the unauthorized expenses, resigned his post, and agreed to pay back $53,328 — less than a third of the overall bill he ran up.

A university spokesperson said Monday that Drexel reported Nwankpa’s misconduct to authorities and cooperated with the investigation. Since then, the school has instituted additional training for faculty and staff and beefed up its auditing controls.


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Virtue signaling is very expensive. They wanted to show “diversity” in their engineering faculty, and $190K for strip clubs is cheaper than hiring another V.P. for Diversity with a retinue of assistants and secretaries. So Drexel got their money’s worth.

Sounds like a perfect project to submit to J. Duh.

Interesting I see nothing in a few quick web searches on this man’s background. Nothing to indicate whether he is a J1, H1B, or other visa holder. Yet, his masters appears to be from a Russian university.

IneedAhaircut | October 8, 2019 at 4:07 pm

What’s odd to me is that university’s typically have grants offices that review all charges, contracts, expenses and staffing charges applied to a grant. Someone had to have reviewed those charges to the grant, and if they were as obvious as described in the article, they should have raised huge red flags. And yet this went on for decade. Crazy.

A damn site cheaper than having Hilary Clinton show up and mooch for an hour or so.

My BFF wrote an “Irish Poem” about this:

h well, I guess Chik deserves an Irish Poem! I read that he was concerned with electrical power generation. There is some science in this, but Nick Tesla posited that energy could be transferred without wires*. But this is not something one can do in a single verse. . .

Taken for Granted???
An Irish Poem by Squeeky Fromm

There once was a black engineer
Whose devotion to science was clear!
He felt it his duty,
To check out some booty,
He is now self-employed, I hear.

But, perhaps it was all copicetic-
A study of motions kinetic?
For a bump and a grind,
And the friction behind,
Can make forces electromagnetic!

Sooo, taking his work as a whole,
Re-imagine that greased stripper pole-
As an engineer must –
Calculations of thrust!
Combined with centripedal roll!

An inductive transference occurred!
And we don’t have to just take his word.
For the truth at a glance,
Could be found in his pants!
As his personal rod became stirred!

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

*See here –