College Republicans’ Mural at U. Minnesota Vandalized for Fourth Year in a Row

How many times would this be tolerated if it was happening to progressive students? Probably not even once.The College Fix reports:

U. Minnesota College Republicans’ mural vandalized for fourth year in a rowFor the fourth year in a row, the University of Minnesota College Republicans’ mural at the Washington Avenue Bridge “Paint the Bridge” event has been defaced.According to The Minnesota Daily, this year’s CR mural “depicted a brick wall” along with the statements “Donald Trump The Wall” and “Keep America Great.” It also featured Minnesota US Representative Ilhan Omar’s controversial remarks about 9/11.CR mural painter Chase Christopherson said this year’s design was based on a Pink Floyd album cover and added he hoped the painting would lead students “to research Trump and come to a more positive conclusion about him.”Vandals crossed out the word “border” and wrote “White supremacy kills” in its place.Sophomore Maddie Miller said of the mural that Trump’s successes are viewed “from a white male perspective” adding the wall is ironic considering the US “is a country we stole from Native peoples violently.”From the story:

University students Gayatri Narayanan and Nick Knighton, prior to the vandalization, sat next to the panel, holding posters of Omar, Christine Blasey Ford and Anita Hill. They held up messages related to missing Indigenous women and “open borders.”Narayanan said she had a visceral reaction to the panel, and added posters around the painting in hopes of creating peace for others who feel the same as she did when she walked past.

Tags: College Insurrection, Minnesota, Republicans