Branco Cartoon – #TheResistance
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Branco Cartoon – #TheResistance

Branco Cartoon – #TheResistance

Austere Scholars

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legacyrepublican | October 31, 2019 at 8:02 am

In the end, let us pray that resistance is futile.

Speaking of which, you could do a Halloween version of this cartoon where you put the donkey in a Borg costume and have Soros be the Queen Mother while he says, “Trick or Treat badly.” It may still work.

Nice one, Mr. B!

That sums it up perfectly.

The left is just plain nuts.

Here’s an interesting thought experiment: if Hitler were alive today, would he be a NeverTrumper?

Interesting because, as you know, Trump is Literally Hitler.

Seeing how Adolf was born in 1889, he would be 130 years old if he were alive today. But put age aside, if he was still alive, even 40 years ago, that would mean history went in a different direction in the 40s, one in which I doubt the US would have emerged from the war as a superpower.

I would have to say there probably are a lot who hate Trump, but openly embrace the very fascism they claim to oppose. So I would say a lot of this who suffer from TDS would be the ones wearing the arm band, getting all giddy when they see goose stepping stormtroopers and clamoring for Trump-types to be sent to the camps.

Yeah.. Hitler wouldnt be a NeverTrump’er…. he would be Hitler doing Hitler. Guys like Trump would be the target.

Seeing how Adolf was born in 1889, he would be 130 years old if he were alive today. But put age aside, if he was still alive, even 40 years ago, that would mean history went in a different direction in the 40s, one in which I doubt the US would have emerged from the war as a superpower.

I would have to say there probably are a lot who hate Trump, but openly embrace the very fascism they claim to oppose. So I would say a lot of this who suffer from TDS would be the ones wearing the arm band, getting all giddy when they see goose stepping stormtroopers and clamoring for Trump-types to be sent to the camps.

Yeah.. Hitler wouldnt be a NeverTrump’er…. he would be Hitler doing Hitler. Guys like Trump would be the target.

Maybe the image for the Dem Party should be a Kangaroo from now on.