Trudeau Cannot Remember How Many Times He Wore Blackface After Third Picture Surfaces
Basically Trudeau: It’s not my fault I wore blackface and brownface. It was my privilege!
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a press conference today to address the pictures of him in brownface and blackface.
Complete. Epic. Meltdown. The man hit all the key liberal buzzwords. Arrogance seeped out of his pores.
Oh, he also cannot remember how many times he has worn blackface or brownface in his life.
Here is the full press conference:
But it’s not his fault that somehow he never knew one should NEVER EVER wear blackface or brownface.
It’s because he comes “from a place of privilege.” This privilege blinded him for so long he cannot remember how many times he donned blackface:
Trudeau said he did not understand at the time how hurtful his actions were and, as a result, he can’t remember exactly how many times he has worn blackface makeup.
“I am wary of being definitive about this. The recent pictures I had not remembered,” he said when pressed by reporters about the number of incidents.
“I think the question is, ‘How can you not remember that?’ The fact is, I didn’t understand how hurtful this is to people who live with discrimination every single day. I have always acknowledged I come from a place of privilege, but I now need to acknowledge that comes with a massive blind spot.”
Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is imploding here as he dodges answering whether he wore blackface on more than three different occasions. “I am wary of being definitive.”
— Scott Whitlock (@ScottJW) September 19, 2019
It gets better. He KNEW this existed and never said anything because he found it embarrassing. It just goes to show how little the media and Liberal Party vetted him.
Then he calls it “darkening your face.” No, Trudeau. You wore BLACKFACE. You wore BROWNFACE. It’s not makeup. It’s not “darkening your face.” Let’s not forget that during the Arabian Nights gala his whole body is covered in brownface:
Trudeau said he never spoke about the incidents before now because he was “embarrassed,” adding that his past actions do not define the politician he has become since.
“What I did … hurt people who shouldn’t have to face intolerance and discrimination because of their identity. This is something that I deeply, deeply regret,” he said.
“Darkening your face, regardless of the context of the circumstances, is always unacceptable because of the racist history of blackface. I should have understood that then, and I never should have done it.”
“This is something that I deeply deeply regret,” said @JustinTrudeau addressing blackface scandal. “Darkening your face regardless of the context or the circumstances is always unacceptable because of the racist history of blackface.” #cdnpoli
— Power & Politics (@PnPCBC) September 19, 2019
A liberal politician from Canada also wants this to become a teachable moment for everyone. Excuse me, but this is a teaching moment for Trudeau. The vast majority of us know that we do not wear blackface or brownface. The vast majority of us do not even want to wear brownface or blackface.
What Justin Trudeau did was wrong. He has apologized. I know it is not representative of the man he is.
This is a teachable moment for all of us. I accept his apology and I hope Canadians do too. #exln43 #canpoli #Onpoli— Mitzie Hunter (@MitzieHunter) September 19, 2019
A Third Incident
So on Wednesday we saw two pictures of Trudeau. One in brownface. One in blackface.
@JustinTrudeau in blackface at Jean Brebeuf high school. #cdnpoli #elxn43 #BreakingNews
— Robert Fife (@RobertFife) September 19, 2019
Are we talking about the Justin Trudeau “Aladdin” brownface getup on #TheFinal5? You bet we are. Chime in with your pithy tweets and hot takes and we’ll put them on air. #FOX5DC #JustinTrudeau
— Jim Lokay FOX 5 (@LokayFOX5) September 19, 2019
Canada’s Global News received a video of Trudeau in blackface, making it three separate instances in which Trudeau wore blackface or brownface:
The video, obtained exclusively by Global News, shows Trudeau covered in what appears to be dark makeup and raising his hands in the air while laughing, sticking his tongue out and making faces. He’s wearing a white T-shirt, and his jeans are ripped at the knees. It appears as though his arms and legs are covered in makeup as well.
It does not appear the video was shot at the same time and place as the other photos of Trudeau in racist makeup.
Global News obtained the video from a source within the Conservative Party of Canada and independently verified it to be true with Liberal party officials before reporting on it.
[Featured images via Twitter, YouTube, and another YouTube]
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Blackface and a bra on your head?
All good for being a leftist leader head of state.
That’s not the worst of it.
Look at this.
Pants Down, Fly Open Photo of Justin Trudeau Resurfaces
Don’t Look Mary!!!!
And they call Donald Trump a clown.
Nope, sorry, still not outraged by any of this.
Sure, the guy’s a putz . . . but for real reasons, not this dross.
Absolutely. Lets not feed this stupid everything is racist machine. It is fun to make them live up to their own rules but we know the rule is stupid to begin with.
Tired of everything being racist? Don’t make everything racist.
Yeah but I am enjoying the pretzel logic the left is tying themselves up in.
I do think Canadians should be asking why their PM is more interested in dressing up than leading the country. (In case you think this is in his past – look at how he dresses up for all his foreign trips)
I pride myself on attempting to treat everyone fairly. This series of articles shows the global ‘elitist’ at their worst. PM Trudeau states that he is sorry the events occurred while also refusing to state if it occurred more than three times. This is the same BS peddling that our D political party engages in; see VA Gov and VA AG.
If these cats were ashamed that the events, wearing blackface, occurred then simply confess and apologize. To wait until the events become public casts doubt on your sincerity, other than being sorry the public found out.
I was born in Alabama in 1970, graduated HS in 1988, college in 1993. At no time in my adolescence or early adulthood would it have been acceptable for anyone to dress in blackface. Even at private fraternity events this was, by the late 1980’s/early 1990’s out of bounds, even in Alabama.
IMO no one wearing blackface after 1985, who was not a professional comedian/actor should get a pass. The key difference between this episode and Gov Ivey, is when the event occurred; late 1960’s vs late 1980’s. That is a difference of twenty calendar years and about 75 cultural years.
My two cents.
Fine, maybe in ALabama that was the case. But it wasn’t the case everywhere, even in the USA, let alone in other countries.
This is true. It was verboten in the South by that time because of the Southern history of racism and Jim Crow. Other parts of the country, even though just as racist, perhaps more so, had kept it hidden such that this may have been acceptable.
I am willing to concede that the cultural mores of the ‘new south’ to use an imprecise term, were/are more advanced than the rest of the USA. When you are, metaphorically, hit over the head repeatedly the lessons tend to take root. Most of the ‘race’ issues in Alabama and the deep south for that matter, were addressed and mitigated if not solved by the mid 1980’s other than a very few truly unrepentant racists.
As I stated above this sort of deliberately provocative race baiting was simply out of bounds. I was and remain amazed by examples of this type of behavior. Maybe because we attended integrated grammar, middle and high schools and saw first hand that people really are people with the same hopes dreams and flaws?
So with that as background, my general rules for behaviour consists of one key point: don’t go out of your way to piss someone off if you can avoid it. Now there are times when one can and should be willing to piss folks off in a loud, public no holds barred confrontation. I have no issue with that, but if you know that a certain behavior is going to result in a potentially verbal, emotional and physical response then why engage in that activity? I suppose if you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions then OK, but don’t go crying about the 1st Amendment, say that you didn’t mean it that way, etc.
In other words be willing to give or receive the ass kicking that you have set in motion, not whine like some SJW who burned a flag outside the VFW and somehow doesn’t think he has pushed the thorough ass kicking button. In that moment someone is going home with an ass kicking that the punk SJW precipitated. Maybe the SJW, maybe the combat veterans, but someone will take home an ass kicking.
I deny your entire premise that dressing up as someone of another race is “deliberately provocative race baiting”, or indeed any sort of race baiting at all. It’s something that SJWs simply made up one morning and are trying to gaslight us all into believing is some eternal moral law. I refuse to play along.
You are free to disagree and reject the premise. However, others are free to disagree with you. Specifically the members of a group who feel that these and similar activities are knowingly performed with the intent to provoke.
My grandfather would state it something like this; don’t let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass. Even more simply don’t piss people off UNLESS you are willing to accept the consequences which may turn out to be more severe than you initially thought.
I presume you and the other folks on the thread saying that blackface is not provocative have not booked a blackface appearance at any upcoming meetings of the NAACP, Nation of Islam etc. If you have please make the video available, if not I have to wonder about your commitment to your position.
Just to be clear, actors and comedian performing in blackface is ok with me because that performance has it’s own context. Lord knows if the SJW had their way no Mel Brooks movie or Monty Python sketches would see the light of day.
I am referring to individuals deciding to wear blackface to a party as adults or near adults. We are not talking about a kid wearing a Halloween costume. Rather adults who are making a bad decision IMO. Please don’t misunderstand me, you can do so if you choose but bear in mind their are likely to be consequences stemming from that decision. Might be an immediate ass kicking, might be damage to your reputation, but there will eventually be negative consequences.
Personally I try not to piss people off.
First, I disagree with the guy’s politics. Second, I don’t find myself outraged at all this. Third, we have to make the left play by their own rules. If a conservative were discovered to have worn blackface, they would be run out of public life.
He is such a colorful fellow. #whitemanspeakwith manyfaces
“But it’s not his fault that somehow he never knew one should NEVER EVER wear blackface or brownface.”
Who decided this? I am not aware of any such rule.
It all makes sense now, Rachel Dolezal got a sex change and defected to Canada.
But it’s not his fault that somehow he never knew one should NEVER EVER wear blackface or brownface.
Really? When did “brownface” get snuck in there? The race-baiters have been whining about blackface for a few years. But I’ve never heard that we were all supposed to collapse into hysterics about brownface.
I personally think costumes are dumb so all this blows right past me, but one of my brothers went to a party in greenface. Is that a problem? None of it was a problem then. Of course that was close to fifty years ago, when we were all a lot more sensible (although it didn’t seem it at the time).
No, that is exactly what it is.
Then it’s not brownface, is it?
Look, I despise Trudeau just as much as you do, if not more, and I love to see him floundering like this, but the reason he’s floundering is that he can’t bring himself to openly say this: “Brownface” is not even a word. Nobody ever heard of it before yesterday, and nobody before yesterday knew that it was wrong. Certainly nobody in 2001 (or whenever this took place) thought it was hurtful to anybody, including the people who were supposedly hurt.
This is like the Kavanaugh accusation, where if it happened the supposed victim forgot about it because she was not hurt. Here too, Trudeau says he “didn’t understand how hurtful this is to people who live with discrimination every single day” because he comes from a place of privilege, but in fact nobody, privileged or not, “understood” how hurtful this was, because it wasn’t hurtful until someone decided it should be.
A history that didn’t exist in Canada, and that he had no reason to have been aware of, even as an adult in 2001, let alone as a teenager in the mid-1980s. And that he had no reason to care about even if he had been aware of it, because it was not relevant to him or to anyone who might see him.
That is just not true. YOU may “know” this, but most people don’t, because it ain’t so and we’re not going to let the SJWs gaslight us into believing it’s so, as they appear to have done to you.
I never wore blackface, but it never occurred to me that it was somehow “wrong” or racist or harmful to blacks or browns. It just never was something I wanted to do. Never. (I also do not wear artificial tan gunk, and I do not use a tanning bed.)
I also never wore a dress or a skirt or “suspenders and a bra” (even during my lumberjack days). But today, I guess if I were a TV, that would be ok and would not be considered insulting or harmful to women.
Why is dressing up like a woman considered OK, but putting on black face is considered harmful to blacks?
That is a very good question.
Let him twist in the gale winds he helped create.
Why no mention of him groping what must be one of his students? And who has blackface makeup at hand?
It was not, in the mainstream, considered inappropriate at that point in time. Remember the movie,”Soul Man” from the late ’80’s? It’s not as if he wandered around in a Hood and Bed sheet like some US Senators we could name.
What a fatuous, self-aggrandizing, egotistical and holier-than-thou dope. He and “Beto” would make a great couple.
“This is a teachable moment for all of us.”
What is it about smug leftists like Mitzie Hunter and their boring “teachable moments”? It’s bad enough that the Left wants the rest of us dead or enslaved, but do we really have to endure condescending self-righteous lectures from self-important Soviet bureaucrats like her before they chunk the rest of us into the gulag?
Yes. Next question.
Also: Mary, there’s no such thing as “brownface”. Canada had no slavery even before becoming an actual country in 1867 (except for the Indians[1] who practiced it long before the white man showed up and had to have it exterminated by the British colonists), did not participate in the British rule of India, and has historically been extremely welcoming to Indian[2] and Sikh immigrants. Mostly because they vote Liberal.
Also also: It was an “Arabian Nights” party. Arabs aren’t Indian[3]. We should be more offended that as a teacher our PM couldn’t do basic research.
[1] feather, not dot
[2] dot, not feather
[3] either
You should know better than this. There’s outrage for this…this is called cultural appropriation, even when done respectfully (see prom girl in kimono).
Trudeau’s case can also be construed as parody. Does it offend me? No…the hypocrisy of the progressive movement offends me.
“cultural appropriation”….its not a thing.
And yet nobody complains when a Japanese girl wears blue jeans.
I didn’t press the play button yet. Is that a frame from the movie “Snakes on a plane”?
Justin the Hamster
and he received no counsel nor guidance from his family?
This is stupid.
Please stop parroting progressive propaganda.
The dude wore BLACKFACE. Period.
You got it!
Treudeau is a victim of his privilege.
We’ve finally come full-circle.