Student Govt. Officials at University of Pennsylvania Push for Mandatory Diversity Training

They want this for themselves and everyone else. Have you noticed this is almost always mandatory?

The College Fix reports:

Student government officials want internal training to help them understand ‘diversity and bias’Representatives of the student government at the University of Pennsylvania are pushing for mandatory diversity training for themselves and their colleagues, though the head of that organization wouldn’t point to a specific incident on campus that motivated the demand.The private university’s Undergraduate Assembly is made up of six branches, with members from each branch pushing for diversity training. Speaking to The Daily Pennsylvanian, numerous representatives articulated their opinion that the Undergraduate Assembly is hypocritical for its own lack of diversity initiatives. One representative claimed that the body “often urges peer organizations and Penn’s administration to be conscious of their diversity, but…does not reflect upon its own diversity enough.”Undergraduate Assembly President Natasha Menon told The Daily that she plans to talk to other student government officials about the proposed program. When reached by The College Fix for comment, Menon could not offer any information about the potential programs, nor could she point to any specific incident that compelled the representatives to ask for them.“[W]e are currently workshopping what such a diversity training might look like. As we are still in the very early stages of figuring out what it might look like, I am not comfortable giving a statement for an article,” Menon said.

Tags: College Insurrection, Pennsylvania