Ocasio-Cortez Brands Republican PAC Ad Racist Because It Burned Her Picture

New Faces GOP, a new Republican PAC, ran an ad on ABC in Washington, DC, last night showing a burning picture of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and the horrors of the Cambodian genocide.

Twitter is on fire (no pun intended) with AOC condemning the ad as racist. Her sycophants have now started a campaign to #BoycottABC.

Elizabeth Heng, a former congressional candidate from California, developed New Faces PAC as a way to “help identify & support the next generation of GOP leaders.”

Heng is the daughter of Cambodian immigrants. She wrote on the webpage that they “lived through the torment and devastation caused by the evils of socialism.” Pol Pot caused that torment and devastation.

Pol Pot’s Cambodian genocide does not receive the attention it deserves. When people talk about Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, they should mention Pol Pot as well.

Why bring this up? Here’s the ad:

Heng narrates the ad, describing how her parents Chieu Heng and Siv Khoeu fled Cambodia. They escaped the murderous Khmer Rouge regime led by Pol Pot. His “vision” caused Cambodia’s population to fall by 25% between 1975 and 1979. Pol Pot exerted his power through famine, executions, and overworking the citizens. Diseases flourished. It was pure horror.

THAT completely went over AOC’s head. Instead, she went with her usual route: Racism.

Oh, look. A member of the Squad comes to her defense:

Heng fires back:

First off, when did burning pictures of a person come to mean violence? I’m glad this way of thinking did not exist when I was a teenager because I would be screwed. I don’t know how many pictures of ex-boyfriends and ex-friends I burned throughout junior high and high school.

AOC completely missed the point of the ad along with so many people on social media. The whole point was not to pander to white supremacists or to incite violence against AOC. The point of the ad was to showcase the horrors of socialism — a society where individualism does not exist. No freedoms. You do what your betters tell you.

AOC only went to policy after she cried for a long time over her burnt picture:

I don’t like it when AOC compares ICE to Nazis and the holding centers to concentration camps. I don’t like comparing AOC to Pol Pot. As someone mentioned to me on Twitter, there are quite a few steps between AOC’s vision and the Killing Fields of the Khmer Rouge.

Can we all stop comparing people to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot? Unless that person is Kim Jong-un.

I find it odd that AOC and others care more about a burning picture than comparing her to one of the most dangerous regimes our world has ever witnessed. Even her rebuttal to the socialism part of the ad doesn’t really feel like a true rebuttal. I’d be furious if anyone compared me to someone like Pol Pot. You know, like how ICE agents rightfully get angry when someone like AOC calls them Nazis.

The ad worked, though. As I said it only aired on the ABC station in DC, but since it got everyone worked up the entire country has seen it. AOC gave New Faces PAC free publicity along with the rest of the mainstream media.

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez