Maher on Biden-Ukraine: “if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about”

Bill Maher is a figure of the far left, but every once in a while he calls out his own side for their dishonesty. On his HBO program this weekend, he made a very accurate point about the left’s double standard on Hunter Biden and Ukraine.

John Gage reported at the Washington Examiner:

Bill Maher: Hunter Biden Ukraine ties ‘would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about’ if Trump Jr. did itBill Maher tore into Joe Biden on his HBO show, saying his son Hunter’s Ukrainian ties probably lost him the Democratic presidential nomination and wondering how the media would react if it were President Trump’s son.”The more I read about this — you know, I don’t think he was doing something terrible in Ukraine, but it’s just so — why can’t politicians tell their f–king kids, ‘Get a job? Get a goddamn job,'” Maher said Friday about Hunter Biden being on the board of a company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch while his father was vice president. “It just looks bad, and the Republicans are geniuses at muddying the water. It’s all gonna be about, ‘You did this in Ukraine? Well, Joe Biden did this.'”Maher argued that the appearance of corruption by Biden could be used by Republicans to take down his nomination. The host went on to compare Hunter Biden to Donald Trump Jr.”It does sound like something Don Jr. would do, and and if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about,” Maher said.

There are two things you need to know before watching this video. First, there is some very strong language. Second, it’s a short video, but to get to the part where Maher comments about Maddow, you have to listen to some ridiculous claims from two leftists, including former Congressman Barney Frank.

If you’re still in, watch it all below:

Maher is absolutely correct about Maddow here. If she could connect Donald Trump Jr. to this type of business, they’d have to peel her off the ceiling of her MSNBC studio.

Here are some great reactions to this story on Twitter, via Twitchy:

Don’t worry, Maher will be back to bashing conservatives in no time.

Tags: Bill Maher, Joe Biden, Media, Trump Ukraine