College’s Mandatory Training Session Features Social Justice Themed Board Game
“The game requires participants to choose a character that does not match their identity”
Advancing the left’s agenda by force sure sounds fun, doesn’t it?
Campus Reform reports:
NY students play social justice BOARD GAME at mandatory training
Student club leaders at a New York school were forced to participate in a mandatory training session that included a social justice-themed board game.
Canisius College required two executive board members from each student organization to attend its September fall club summit, according to a flier obtained by Campus Reform.
“Factuality” is a combination of a board game and discussion in which participants play with a sexually and racially diverse cast of characters. “Each character encounters a series of fact-based advantages and limitations based on the intersection of their race, gender, sexual orientation, faith, and class,” according to the game’s website.
This is the first time “Factuality” has been presented at the college, according to the game’s site, and the game ran for nearly two hours.
The game requires participants to choose a character that does not match their identity, then engage in a “facilitated conversation” with regard to race, gender, and other identity categories.
“Factuality’s” promotional materials boast that within 90 minutes, players “will become acquainted with the intricacies of inequality’s intentionally structured foundation and its crippling cyclical nature…be able to dismantle the various preconceived biases associated with various marginalized groups…[and] will leave self-aware and can (begin to) contribute to inclusive rhetoric regarding the dissolution of structural inequality.”
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I pick Aztec.
“You kicked native Americans off the land! I know you are a bleeding heart liberal, but for repairations, I will cut it out atop a Pyramid – anyone have an obsidian knife handy?”
I was thinking Muslim myself, and then asking why the women weren’t wearing niqabs and why nobody was throwing homosexuals and other deviants off the rood already.
Somehow I doubt “Factuality” is actually based on reality!
If it’s anything like monopoly, I’d try to spend my money as foolishly as possible so I could be out first and say, “get woke, go broke”
Well it ain’t gonna turn out Happy Families.. in the real world.
That’s one of the desired outcomes. They want you breeding less.