What we know about El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius

On Saturday, a man shot up a Walmart in El Paso, killing 20 people and injuring 26 people. One law enforcement agent identified the suspect in custody as 21-year-old Patrick Crusius.

A few hours after the massacre, news circulated that Crusius published a four-page manifesto filled with racist language and hatred for immigrants on 4chan and 8chan forums.

The manifesto appeared on the forums an hour and a half before the shooting rampage.

El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen said on Sunday “it’s beginning to look more solidly” that the suspect they have in custody wrote this manifesto.

From The Washington Examiner:

A four-page document that has been tied to Crusius has been circulating online on forums such as 4chan and 8chan throughout the day. It discusses a desire to stop the “Hispanic invasion of Texas” and cites inspiration from the March mass shootings in two Christchurch, New Zealand, mosques that killed 51 people and injured 49 more.”In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion,” the manifesto said.The document said the lengthy manifesto written by the accused Christchurch shooter, called “The Great Replacement,” inspired him to target the Hispanic community. That 74-page manifesto hailed President Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity” and expressed hope the attack would spark a second civil war in the United States.

The Washington Examiner wrote the author of the manifesto attempted to distance himself from Trump because his beliefs began before 2016:

“Some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack,” it read. “This is not the case.”

The author wrote that the growing Hispanic population would make Texas a “Democratic stronghold.” However, he also called the Republican Party “terrible” due to its pro-corporation mindset, “which could lead to more immigration.”

The author also blasted automation for taking jobs away from people, which would cause “civil unrest.” He also blamed Immigrant for “taking from native-born Americans a growing share of the dwindling jobs.”

The manifesto quickly disappeared off the forums along with Crusius’s supposed Twitter account. The Los Angeles Times reported that the Twitter account “praised President Trump and, in particular, his effort to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.”

Crusius resided in Allen, TX, a suburb of Dallas. Those around him described him as a loner:

Leigh Ann Locascio, a former neighbor, said Crusius was an extreme loner who always sat alone on the bus in junior high and high school. He spoke negatively of other kids who played sports or joined the school band, she said.She described Crusius as “very much a loner, very standoffish” and someone who “didn’t interact a whole lot with anyone.”Her son, Tony Locascio, walked to school regularly with Crusius and his sister. Tony Locascio said Patrick Crusius only walked ahead of or behind them, never interacting and always keeping to himself. Crusius liked animals and kept pet snakes. “He wouldn’t talk to people,” Tony Locascio said. “No one really knew him.”Another former classmate, Jacob Wilson, said Crusius was “very strong-minded” in class and would try to “take charge,” but other kids refused to work with him because he was “irritable and had a short temper.” He was often “picked on” because of how he spoke, and because he wore what looked like hand-me-down clothes, Wilson said.

Classmate Daniel Heo said the news shocked him as he remembered Crusius “being a nice kid.”

Tags: shooting, Texas