Trump Executive Order Cancels Student Loan Debt for Disabled Veterans

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are pushing the idea of student loan debt cancellation for everyone. Trump has now delivered on this issue for one specific and deserving group. Disabled veterans.

Andrew O’Reilly reports at FOX News:

Trump signs executive order cancelling student loan debt for disabled veteransPresident Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that forgives all student loan debt for any permanently disabled U.S. military veterans.The order, which Trump signed following a speech at the American Veterans National Convention in Louisville, Ky., also clears those eligible veterans from having to pay any federal income tax on the loans. Trump added that he is pressuring individual states to follow suit.“The debt of these disabled veterans will be completely erased,” Trump said. “That’s hundreds of millions of dollars of student loans debt for our disabled veterans that will be completely erased.”The memo Trump signed directs the government to develop an “expedited” process so veterans can have their federal student loan debt discharged “with minimal burdens.” Currently, just half of the roughly 50,000 disabled veterans who are qualified to have their federal student loan debt forgiven have received the benefit because of a burdensome application process.

Trump tweeted about this, be sure to watch the video:

Brett Samuels of The Hill has more:

President Trump on Wednesday signed a memorandum directing the Department of Education to eliminate all federal student loan debt owed by tens of thousands of severely disabled veterans.Trump signed the directive following a speech to AMVETS at the organization’s 75th annual convention in Kentucky. The announcement drew applause from those in attendance, including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.”Nobody can complain about that, right?” Trump said. “The debt of these disabled veterans will be entirely erased. It will be gone. They can sleep well tonight.”…”Veterans … who have made such enormous sacrifices for our country should not be asked to pay any more,” he said.

Here’s a short video report from WEHT News:

This is one form of free college everyone can get behind. People who risk their lives defending the nation should move to the front of the line.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Trump Education, Veterans