Student Govt. President Faces Calls for Removal After Urging Respect for Others’ Opinions

The left doesn’t want to have a discussion. They believe they are right and that’s the end of it.

Campus Reform reports:

Student gov president faces calls for removal after asking people to respect others’ opinionsA Texas student government president faced backlash after asking people to respect the free expression of opinions.Mohamed AbdelGilil, SGA President at the University of Houston, Clear-Lake, was asked to apologize after posting on his personal Facebook account, “If someone is expressing their opinion about a controversial topic…respect their opinion, please….Respect my thoughts and opinions and others’ too….I will never give up my morals, religion, etc. because it offends people. Like adult people!”After AbdelGilil made those remarks online, an online petition calling for his removal surfaced.“Mohamed AbdelGilil is unfit for the position of President of the Student Government Association, as he created and continues to create a hostile environment for a large portion of the student body at the University of Houston-Clear Lake,” it reads.The petition also says that AbdelGilil “spread homophobic sentiments,” seemingly for asking others to respect others’ opinions on LGBT topics or framing those topics as “controversial.”While AbdelGilil’s critics referenced at least three of his social media posts, Campus Reform could only view one of them. AbdelGilil declined to comment for this story and the creator of the online petition did not respond in time for publication when asked about the content of the student government president’s other posts.

Tags: College Insurrection, Texas