Stacey Abrams Won’t Run for President, But Open to Being Vice President Pick

Stacey Abrams, who has not yet admitted she lost the Georgia governor’s race fair and square, has tried to remain relevant with the mainstream media more than happy to help.

Abrams sat down with The New York Times to discuss her decision not to jump into the 2020 presidential race, but would not mind running as a vice presidential candidate for any of the Democratic candidates.

Abrams is still convinced she only lost in 2018 due to voter suppression and racism. It has consumed her so much that in April she declared she won the race.

She started a group called Fair Fight 2020, which she claims will help clear up voter irregularities. Abrams told The Times she believes she can help the Democratic Party the most in this way, but kept the door open for a vice presidential run:

So in saying you’re open to other opportunities, that includes any potential selection for vice president?I would be honored to be considered by any nominee.But my responsibility is to focus on the primary. And that means using the primary as an opportunity to build the apparatus to fight voter suppression. Because in the end, no matter where I fit, no matter which ones of our nominees win, if we haven’t fought this scourge, if we haven’t pushed back against Moscow Mitch and his determination to block any legislation that would cure our voting machines, then we are all in a world of trouble.

The conversation expanded to diversity, the favorite subject of Democrats. From Abrams answers and quotes from other Democratic candidates, it seems the party has not learned that the majority of Americans do not care about the color of a person’s skin or sex when it comes to politics.

Abrams insisted the Democrats should not shy away from “identity politics” because “[T]his is how people see themselves in our politics.”

The Democratic Party pushed Hillary down our throats, which did not work, but they still find “gender and racial diversity” as an important factor on the 2020 ticket:

Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke said in March he would find it “very difficult not to select a woman” as his running mate. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) pledged in June he would turn down a vice presidential nod if Democrats nominated a man to run against Trump, and declared his opposition to all-white White House tickets.Biden said in July it would be “great” to have a female vice president, assessing that “it helps having a woman on the ticket.” He claimed earlier this month he could “think of at least six or seven people, four of whom are women, who in fact … aren’t in the race, who are totally qualified to be president.”

More power to Abrams and the Democrats if they want to continue to waste their time on issues that do not matter to the majority of Americans. No one tell them that Americans care about jobs, their pocketbooks, and the ability to provide for their families.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Stacey Abrams