Nikki Haley and Kellyanne Conway Get Into Bizarre Twitter Fight Over Trump Tweet

Never a dull moment in Trumpland.

Friday morning, Trump tweeted:

Trump told reporters later “he meant no harm with the social media post, saying ‘that was really not meant as a wise-guy tweet.'”

Trump and Cummings have spent the last week in a very public spat over whether Baltimore, which is in Cummings’ district is a dump (SPOILER: it is).

The Hill summarized:

Cummings in a statement on Friday confirmed the incident and said he scared the intruder away by yelling before they were able to enter the residence.Trump has assailed Cummings over the last week, accusing the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman of failing to address problems in Baltimore, suggesting he investigate what happened to federal funding for the city and calling him a racist without elaborating.He has also levied a barrage of criticism at the city itself, calling it a “very dangerous & filthy place” where “no human being would want to live.” Trump chastised the city during a Thursday night rally in which he blamed Democratic leadership for its crime rate.

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley replied to Trump’s tweet, eye roll emoji and all:

It’s unclear wether Haley was responding to Trump’s tweet as unnecessary, seeing as she’s a campaign surrogate or if she was responding to the fact that Rep. Cummings’ house burglarization was “so unnecessary” though the eye roll emoji seems to suggest the former.

Then Kellyanne Conway’s husband got involved. Despite his wife’s prominent White House job, George Conway remains a vocal Trump critic:

Prompting Kellyanne Conway to respond, throwing in an extra dig emphasizing the 2020 ticket would feature current VP Pence (the rumor mill has speculated Trump might dump Pence for Haley):

Tags: Kellyanne Conway, Nikki Haley, Trump Twitter