New Jersey Gave Over $3.8 Million in Financial Aid to Undocumented College Students Last Year

We shouldn’t be surprised by this. Most of the Democrats running in 2020 want to give illegal immigrants free healthcare. reports:

NJ gave more than $3.8 million in financial aid to undocumented college students last yearMore than 700 undocumented students received more than $3.8 million in college financial aid for the first year during which New Jersey made the aid available to those without legal status.The figures, provided by the state Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, show that 749 students in total received the aid during both the fall and spring semesters of the 2018-19 school year. Most of the aid, more than $3.5 million, was awarded under the New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant, or TAG, program.Students at Rutgers University received the largest portion of the aid, with more than $1.3 million awarded to recipients attending that school. The next-largest portions were: $273,610 to students at the New Jersey Institute of Technology; $271,671 to students at St. Peter’s University; and $206,850 to those at Montclair State University.The aid figures differ from estimates made last year by the state Legislature, which said the program would cost about $5 million a year if an expected 600 eligible unauthorized immigrants applied for and were granted the financial aid.Critics have said that any money available to help students pay for college should be awarded to U.S. citizens and others who are living in the country legally.

Tags: College Insurrection, New Jersey