University of Pennsylvania Study Finds Racism has Decreased Under Trump

This flies in the face of the narrative we’ve heard from the media every single day for over two years.

Campus Reform reports:

UPenn study on racism in Trump era SMASHES the Left’s narrativeA recent study from the University of Pennsylvania finds that racism in America has significantly decreased since President Donald Trump’s election in 2016, directly contradicting the narrative pushed among many academics and mainstream media personalities.The Rise of Trump, the Fall of Prejudice? Tracking White Americans’ Racial Attitudes 2008-2018 via a Panel Survey was authored by UPenn political science professor Daniel J. Hopkins and research assistant Samantha Washington.Hopkins, in an article for FiveThirtyEight, detailed on Tuesday the study, which used 13 waves of panel surveys to gather data and determined that white racial prejudice against African Americans and Hispanic Americans has declined since 2016, when Trump was elected president.Hopkins noted that the fall in prejudice was present for both Democrats and Republicans.Hopkins and Washington, according to the study, voice their opinions on Trump and his statements.”As a political leader, Donald Trump has used racist rhetoric to build political support,” the study states.”In his campaign and first few years in office, Donald Trump consistently defied contemporary norms by using explicit, negative rhetoric targeting ethnic/racial minorities. Did this rhetoric lead white Americans to express more prejudiced views of African Americans or Hispanics, whether through the normalization of prejudice or other mechanisms?” the study’s co-authors asked at another point in the study.Ultimately, though, the study found that the “racist” rhetoric from the president has not resulted in more racist attitudes among Americans.

Tags: College Insurrection, Pennsylvania, Trump Administration