It’s fun to think about what would happen to a professor if they said this about young Obama supporters.
Campus Reform reports:
Prof: ‘When I said MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend, I meant it’UPDATE: Newly tenured University of Mississippi professor James Thomas had previously said on Twitter that “MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend [Hitler Youth]. Got a uniform and everything.”Thomas confirmed that he meant what he said in a Wednesday tweet, which appeared to refer to the rally at which the crowd chanted that Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar should be sent back to her home country (Somalia).Original story belowThe University of Mississippi professor who said that U.S. senators “don’t deserve your civility” just days after Sen. Ted Cruz was run out of a Washington, D.C. restaurant by anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters was granted tenure Thursday by the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning.While professors typically are granted this perk not afforded to professionals in other industries without opposition, Ole Miss sociology professor James Thomas’s tenure recommendation was debated by the governing body for at least two hours before eventually being approved, but not without some dissent, according to a news release from Mississippi Public Universities.While the professor’s statements on social media were considered, “ultimately it was the recommendation of the professor’s institution, the University of Mississippi, that carried the greatest weight in the majority of the Board’s decision to grant tenure to the professor.”Campus Reform reported on the controversy surrounding a tweet from Thomas back in October, around the same time that leftists were fighting President Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh’s confirmation mostly centered around unfounded allegations of 30-year-old sexual assault allegations, including ones from two women who later recanted their claims.