Stanford Offers Support Services to Students and Staff Upset About Noose Found on Campus

This is an update to a story we’ve been following. It looks like the school is taking this very seriously.

Palo Alto Online reports:

Discovery of noose leads Stanford to offer support servicesStanford University has tapped on several campus offices to offer support services for students and staff affected by the discovery of a noose found hanging from a bush near one of the residence halls earlier this month. The resources were outlined in an update on the incident released Saturday, which offered more insight into the university’s response to the report.The noose was found around 11:20 p.m. on July 12 by an education adviser for an on-campus summer program for high school students. She called 911 and posted a photo on Twitter, where it quickly gained national attention. Deputies from Stanford’s Department of Public Safety arrived about an hour after the noose was reported due to a separate call made at 11:37 p.m. of people seen forcing their way into a locked building. Once they completed the call for service, they headed to the location where the noose found. The deputies removed the rope and searched the surrounding area for more evidence. They also spoke with those at the residence and the woman who reported the noose, who was staying at a different residence nearby.The deputies met with FBI agents who specialized in the investigation of hate crimes and civil rights violations. The department also alerted the Acts of Intolerance office, which assists with bias-related incidents. However, Stanford has not released the results of the investigation.In response to the incident, Stanford’s Counseling and Psychological Services offered drop-in office hours at the Black Community Services Center last Thursday, July 18.

Tags: California, College Insurrection