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Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy to Hold Annual Conference in Mexico

Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy to Hold Annual Conference in Mexico

“47th annual meeting in March 2020 is scheduled to take place in San Miguel de Allende”

How ironic. There’s probably a ‘Build the Wall’ joke to be made here but I’m too lazy to think it up.

The College Fix reports:

The end of ‘American Philosophy’? Adherents move annual conference … to Mexico

“Is ‘American Philosophy’ an Endangered Area of Specialization?” That is what a recent post on Daily Nous, a popular philosophy blog, asked its readers.

If the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy’s recent decision to hold its annual conference in Mexico for the first time is any indication, the answer just might be yes.

Its 47th annual meeting in March 2020 is scheduled to take place in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and will focus on “Inter-American Philosophy.” The society announced the location of its meeting during the U.S.-Mexico trade war.

What is American Philosophy? The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy acknowledges it’s “somewhat vague” and lacks a precise definition. Often it’s simply defined as pragmatism. But the IEP notes that because the field builds upon concepts first brought forth by European and other thinkers and relies on ideas outside of philosophy that it’s difficult to summarize.

As to the question of its waning popularity on campuses today, several commenters who identified themselves as American Philosophy educators on the Daily Nous post admitted it’s a real problem — there are fewer classes taught on the subject over the years, and fewer professors to teach on it.

In fact, Gregory Pappas, professor of philosophy at Texas A&M and president of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, reportedly prompted the discussion by writing into Nous regarding the trend.

To that end, it appears American Philosophy adherents are actively looking outside the U.S. to breathe life into the field and to grow it beyond its original scope.


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Isn’t is curious how the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy totally ignores the greatest American philosopher: Ayn Rand