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Poll Finds Socialism is Popular Among Philosophy Majors

Poll Finds Socialism is Popular Among Philosophy Majors

“78 percent of those polled saying they had at least a somewhat favorable view of it”

This isn’t surprising. It’s hard to find an honest job as a philosopher.

Newsweek reports:

Almost 80 Percent of Philosophy Majors Favor Socialism, Poll Finds

verall, socialism isn’t winning over the majority of college students. When broken down by major, though, its popularity doubled with philosophy students.

President Donald Trump emphatically declared during his State of the Union address that America would never be a socialist country. Trump used the sentiment to target his 2020 presidential election opponents, but Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, is gaining momentum among college students.

From April to July, a poll found Sanders had a five percent increase in college supporters, putting him right behind Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. While Sanders is coming out as a 2020 frontrunner, a recent poll by College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, found socialism isn’t favored by the overall majority.

Only 39 percent of the 10,590 undergraduates polled had a favorable view of socialism, and the same percentage responded that they had an unfavorable view. When respondents were broken out by major views of capitalism shifted considerably.

Philosophy majors were most likely to view socialism positively, with 78 percent of those polled saying they had at least a somewhat favorable view of it. Anthropology majors were a close second at 64 percent, followed by English majors at 58 percent and international relations, sociology and music majors all at 57 percent.


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I’m surprised Victim Studies majors isn’t listed. Maybe socialism is too alt-right for them?

I suspect that chemistry, math, and physics majors came in a 1, 0, and -1% respectively.

I’m not surprised. I teach college philosophy, and the textbooks give less and less space to thinkers like Hayek (rarely mentioned if ever) and Nozick (usually only mentioned with respect to his disputes with Rawls, who is almost always presented as the champion).
Usually, full chapters or sections are given to Marx, and students take to his ideas quickly. They love his vision of “equity.” I can’t blame them as the study of Orwell seems to have left English departments as well. There’s no counterweight offered.
Well, they are young and idealistic. I was once, too, but I got better. Having to make a living is one of the best educations there can be.

That is because Socialism/Communism only works ‘philosophically!!
In reality, it ALWAYS sucks!!!

harleycowboy | July 17, 2019 at 5:43 pm

Philosophy Majors Favor Socialism
You think about stuff…..You’re wrong…..You think about stuff…..You’re wrong…..You think about stuff…..You’re wrong…..You think about stuff…..You’re wrong…..